Favorite Flys “Fly Tying Terms”

Welcome to the Fly Tying Terms section. We hope this section enables and encourages you to become a fly tyer, or to enhance your fly tying skills.

From Perrault's Standard Dictionary of Fishing Flies
by Keith E. Perrault
Terms — Q
[ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] [ G ]
[ H ] [ I ] [ J ] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ] [ O ] [ P ]
[ Q ] [ R ] [ S ] [ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ XYZ ]
~ Q ~
Center rib of feathers. Term is erroneously used to describe a whole feather.

Quills from various feathers used for making quill bodies. A sample listing; Peacock herl and eye fibers. Ostrich herl, Emu herl, Condor, Turkey, Hen and Cock, Duck, Goose. Various hackle ribs and many others. See - Materials.

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