Favorite Flys “Fly Tying Terms”

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From Perrault's Standard Dictionary of Fishing Flies
by Keith E. Perrault
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Lace Tinsel:
Three strands of tinseled thread twisted together.

Colored lacquers are used to paint heads, eyes and spots on flies. Clear lacquer is used to strengthen wings and nymph legs and to give gloss or sheen and body to wing cases. Also used as head cement and a binder where additional strength is needed.

Lady Amherst:
See - Amherst Pheasant

Color - Bluish, near to dull light purple, used in some salmon patterns of Ireland.

Plover type bird of Europe. Once used for fly tying material and probably still is to some extent. Due to rarity of this bird, Lapwing feathers are most often substituted in dressings listing Landrail.
    See Lapwing.

Crested Plover, common in Europe. Windgand body feathers used in fly tying. Used as a substitute for Landrail.
    See - Landrail.

Larve, pl-Larvae:
In metamorphisis of aquatic insects, the larva is the worm-like stage between egg and emergence. This is the nymph stage. Sometimes referred to as the pupa stage. More properly larva should be applied to terrestrial insects, and pupa to the dormant stage between larva and emergent adult.

Lemon Wood Duck:
Yellowish-brown barred flank feathers of the Wood Duck. See - Nashua.

Body fur of the leopard, if it can be found, produces some fine cream and buff hues.

The black or darker, or white or lighter center stripe on either feather or hair hackle.

List Hackle:
Hackle from Jungle Cock, similar to Badger, with its darker stripe along the center, but in this case with a white stripe along the rib. Also has dark tinge on ends of fibers. Any of the Badger hackles.

Loop Wing:
Process of winging flies using feather fibers or poly fibers, looping the material up from the body. Eight to twelve fibers or poly fibers separated, form divided loop wings. Used on dry flies and emerger patterns.

Low Water Flies:
Any standard fly dressed on a hook two or more sizes larger than the pattern called for. Object is to increase hooking power. Example: A size 12 fly body on a size 8 hook. This type of tie is popular in salmon patterns.


General type of wet fly in a streamer style which represents or imitates a baitfish rather than an insect. Term more commonly used in New Zealand and England.

Canadian floss. Trade name.

Low water salmon hook or fly pattern.

Also known as Bobcat in some areas, produces furs and hairs in mostly browns but varies from white to nearly black.

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