You guys are kidding right, I live in Alberta Canada, we live in igloos and fist fight polar bears for seats on icebergs!!

I have gone from neoprene's to breathables, with feet sized 1.5 -2 larger same for the boots and it is not a PROBLEM... Feet stay warm all day and AAMOF I start to sweat, and have to cool off... check your gear or check with your Doc. you may have circulation problem!!!!!

put a hat on, loose layers etc... nothing better. If you depend on the heating pads then when you do not have them you will be in trouble..

AAMOF = As A Matter Of Fact..

OK OK this is slightly tongue in cheek at my US friends but seriously you do not need the foot warmers, you will become dependent on them and then be lost when they give out on you or you forget to charge the battery etc... Proper preparation precedes perfect pastimes..