Quote Originally Posted by chewydog View Post
I've tried the socks and wasn't impressed.
I have two friends that use hotronics and claim to stay toasty all day. One bought new the other bought used ski boots with the system in them. I saw some here (Denver) on Craigslist for $30 in a pair of boots, but they were too small for me or I'd have bought them. Here's some for $20, but no charger.
Just an example of a different way to buy them.
I'd been looking at the Hotronics on Ebay, but I hadn't thought about looking on Craigslist -thanks for the link and the idea. I'll have to do a Search there.

One of the questions I had was about the need to cut the Hotronics to size, and how difficult that is. Also, I suppose you'd want to have extensions for the cords so you could carry the battery packs in a pocket at the top of your waders, at least above waistline.

I've tried chemcial warmers in the past but havn't been overly impressed - maybe since some of my winter fishing is in sub-zero weather, and I tend to stay outside most or all of the day.
