does anyone know of a true inline rotary vice using the lever type jaws such as this???
That’s a copy of the Regal Vice. The Regal Co has a few different models including a rotary but I don’t believe that they make an inline rotary vice. It’s a great vice holds larger hooks well. If you tie many small flies 32-20 there isn’t alot of room around the jaws. Sorry but I wouldn’t recommend to anyone in buying a knockoff. Get a Regal.
If you really need an inline rotary vice Rensetti is the way to go. IMO
yeah I know about the regal vises, I was just using that pic as an example in case I didn’t describe clearly what I was looking for. If I can’ t find a proprietary vise I may have a go at modifying one I have already
As Tom suggested…I would not recommend the Regal “knock offs”. They just do not work as smoothly as a true Regal. I have the Regal and really enjoy it. I also have the Renzetti Traveler which is rotary. Regal came out with a rotary, but, I have no experience with it, so I cannot make a comment on it.
Regal makes an inline rotary vise called the Revolution. It is the type with the jaws horizontal and offset form the shaft. The jaws spin freely. Sort of the same idea as the Norvise.
i dont think garic is looking for a regal vise! hes looking for a “TRUE ROTARY” vise that has a lever activated head like the regal.
i know of none
Does the Danvise qualify?
Danvise is a cam like the Renzetti. Why do you want the Hand Clamp style?
I wish I could help. I purchased a Snowbee-Waldron about a year ago and it is all the vise I will ever need.
In the pictures, it does Snowbee looks like a cam.
it may just be my overriding desire to improve/invent things for fly fishing/tying, I have always disliked having to adjust the gape on the jaws on a cam vise (due to never being regimental enough to tie a dozen of one pattern) and like the idea of an inline vise with the lever action jaws I have looked long and hard at the Waldron vise with the star screw adjustment and absolutely love the design, but I can’t justify the ?400 (800$) price tag
i think the snowbee-wadron vise is a little different and cheaper than the waldron vise
yeah I had a look at that one too Norm, but as I stated above I am not a great fan of the cam system vise.
I have looked long and hard at the Waldron vise with the star screw adjustment and absolutely love the design, but I can’t justify the ?400 (800$) price tag.
I can’t make the present exchange rate situation any better, but…
A dark horse in this race, and one often overlooked, is the LAW Traveler vise. Same jaws design with the star wheel operation, in a traditional rotary (not in-line) design. A real cracker of a vise, where rotary tying is not a pre-requisite. The Traveler shares the superb finish and smoothness the full size LAW Bench vise is justly famous for, but at a considerably lower price.
You may want to check it out.
Hans W
I understand about switching sizes. That is why I got the Vosseler vise, with both sets of jaws. It is a rotary vise on both sides, but it is a big knob on the back of the jaws that loosens and tightens.
I love all the positions it offers and really like the suction cup holder.
Someone posted earlier about the Regal Revolution. I didn a quick Google search and found a nice picture. If this trips your trigger go for it. For that money, I personally would buy a Barracuda or one of the Renzetti vises. But if this is what you are after, cool. But why aren’t they very popular?
just for s%$#s and giggles can the regal head shown below be adapted to any manufacturers “true rotary” vise??
The revolution is already “true rotary” just with a horizontal head. If you were going to adapt it to another vise you wouldn’t need the revolution head, a regular Regal head would do. I’m not a big fan of the revolution, just pointing out it’s existence.
Jay, the regal is rotary, but not true inline rotary, the only way to be even close with that type of head is if the hook shank was in the middle of the jaws, as oposed to above as in a true inline.
Normand, that is exactly what I am planning to do with the jaws I have, all it needs is an arm with the right bend and a collar to take the head assembly and it’s done, just need to fins someone with the knowhow and tools
The Regal Revolution is true/inline rotary. The head is NOT the same as the standard Regal head. The jaws are offset below the center of the head so the hook shank is inline with the center of rotation. If you position the jaw horizontally and put the hook in horzontally and spin the head, the hook shank remains horizontal.