At first when I went to enter this months drawing…my head went back, my mouth opened wide and I said…pink, pink, pink. My first reaction was…I won’t enter, leave it for the women…then the little devil on my shoulder pitched a fork in my neck and said “Hey big guy, you will be a big hit a the Michigan Fish In with a pink rod…let the others eat their heart out”. I snapped out of it and in a trance started to fill out the questionair. I am now back in a reality state and have no idea what happended. Looks like I crossed into the twlight zone without even knowing it! I love this site! I think…I will have to be in confession on Sunday for sure. Father for give me for I have sinned. I am trying to win a pink fly outfit. How many hail Mary’s will I have to cough up if I win this outfit?
If you win it, how about ‘dustng off the old tutu’ and wearing it at the ‘Fish In’ along with the pink rod, pink reel and special pink fly line?
I’m afraid to show my daughter the outfit in this months drawing.after this outfit all she would need are matching waders and vest.
I have several spools of Cortland 444 peach…close enough? I think it would be worth while and but the Tutu’ will have to come back from the cleaners. I think I have a pink Kilt somewhere? Clan O’Flannagan…They are popular in Ohio.
ya don’t need the line!, it comes with a special one, PINK! and a spool of backing too!
Don’t forget PINK steelhead flies. If you check the steelie section in the Atlantic Fly section you will see the all pink “Pinko Commie Pervert.”
For the past 15 yrs, we have had man, he is 85 now, doing Volkswalks (10K), 6 mile club walks.
He always walks in PINK clothing and we call him:
PINK PANTHER. Everybody loves him!
So Jonezee if you win the rod and get the clothes you could be BELOVED!
I suppose this will take all the fun out of it, but the rod IS available in a really nice dark blue as well. :roll:
Naww I want it in the pink. it would make an awesome Xmas present for my daughter.
Once manufacturers introduced color into their gear, I think it helped get more females interested in the sport of flyfishing. I know my X loved her purple Sims waders and her custom made rod with the pretty purple thread. Is there any way that FAOL could do what Mary Kay does? Offer a pink flyrod to the best
promoter of the site? :shock: It always bugged me they got a free Caddy for selling makeup!
“It always bugged me they got a free Caddy for selling makeup!”
Dougie, is there something here that you are not telling us about this ‘Mary Kay’ make-up problem? Did you want a free caddy? And just how long did you sell the stuff anyway.
JC, I’ve wanted a CADDY my whole life!
And NO I never sold any stupid makeup!
It just makes me mad that you could get a FREE one for selling some worthless makeup! Plugging up your pores is unhealthy! Maybe they won’t check their oil and the engine will seize!
Now I have to go back and see my Therapist.
then, this has nothing to do with Golf?
My Golf game got as far as the driving range. Quite a stress reliever smashing golf balls, trying to hit the guy out there in the ball pickup scooter.
Heck I’m pumped. Could be just what the doctor ordered to get the girlfriend into Fly Fishing…unless of course it casts better then the rods I already have. Guess I would just have to buy two!
JC, I’ve wanted a CADDY my whole life!
And NO I never sold any stupid makeup!
Probably just didn’t knock on enough doors. Did you do any in home show’s?
Mary didn’t tell me nuthin about Home Shows! :twisted:
OH, MY!!! :shock: I’d even dust off the old pink tutu, and tiara, and wear them at the Michigan Fish in if I won this rod!! How absolutely freekin’ fun is this?!?!?!
Of course it does…the same thing has happened in golf.
However I refuse to swing a pink shafted golf club :roll:
I am seeing JC doing his casting demos all decked out in a pink tux :roll: