Good idea.

#1 First session ends with Dude finding his boat sunk in his new pool and his gold fish bowl filled with the bait fish he netted early the previous night just before someone brough over a bottle of rum.

#2 Ends when all the guys get arrested for being in a fly fish only area, fishing with worms.

#3 Has DMicus giving a running commentary on how all the equipment is too expensive and you can use nailpolish to make flies or your dog's hair for dubbing or taking a tire iron and heating it up with matches taken from your local bar and annealing it to a surgically sharp edge so you can save 32 cents on a sharp instrument called a razor blade.

#4 Ends after AD eats the six White Caslte hamburgers he had to order to eaqual one regular sized hamburger. It was the onions and grease that brought him down.