Quote Originally Posted by lastchance View Post
Yes, but why increase the risk? That is a very cavalier attitude. If that one incident ruined your home trout water I suspect your attitude might be different. Under our new president mines that once sickened our land and water have already begun to reopen. Decades of environmental work may be lost. One more incident of (leaks) or dirty mine water running into a local trout stream is one too many. We must stay vigilant. You sound like you own a piece of land with a ribbon of pipelines or maybe you own a pipeline.
Just stating facts, Last Chance. Did not intend for this to get political or personally insulting. No, I don't own a pipeline, but depend on them as most of US do for many of our needs. I can assure you that I am as vigilant as most concerning the environment, but also practical about what it will take to meet the ever growing needs of our country. THE END.