You should get them, learn to tie with them, then fish the flies and decide for yourself whether winged-wets hold merit. I can't think of a much better use of time and effort.

Winged wets catch fish. But they are like any other fly style. Fish a #12 yellow and orange stimulator during the PMD hatch, and you'll come away thinking stimulators suck. You need to use the right fly for the job. Fish a #18 pale yellow bodied Wet with a grey mallard wing & sparse partridge collar.....and you'll do well on that same hatch.

Too often folks tie the most attractive Winged Wets, and wonder why they don't work. Maybe because a Parmachene Belle doesn't look anything like a #14 tan caddis? The problem is seldom the fly, it's usually the set of thumbs tying it to the tippet.
