Quote Originally Posted by FlyFlinger View Post
Flyguy 66, regarding your advice about line-handling skills above, last weekend, before I read your advice, I began using my line hand as a third stripping guide on my delivery cast, and it really helped. Not only did I gain a little distance, it seemed to me that my accuracy improved, too. Not a bad lesson to learn; I had tried this on other lines before, but never kept at it because it didn't seem necessary for good results. You state that the Airflo Ridge tropic line is more responsive than other lines - another way to put it is that it's a bit finicky (semantics!). My tolerance level is high, so unlike jszymczy, I intend to stick with it and improve my skills.
Yes, that is right. Just like a high performance sports car or a thoroughbred race horse, "finicky" will work too. Ferraris have really tight gear gaps. If you can't double clutch and get the RPMs timed right for shifting, you will frustrate the heck out of yourself trying to drive one. It's not the car you want to take on leisurely Sunday sightseeing drive or a trip down the street to the grocery store. The Airflo Ridge Bonefish and Tarpon lines use a true zero-stretch core and a urethane coating. This combination is incredibly responsive...or finicky. It is also more supple, so slack line that is set up to tangle when pulled will do so more thoroughly than a stiffer line would. It's not for everybody, that's for sure. SA and Rajeff Sports are both fly line sponsors of mine for good reasons. But my personal saltwater rods only have a few lines on them: Airflo Ridge Tarpon and Bonefish, Airflo 40+ Extreme (switch rods), SA Mastery Redfish, SA Saltwater Streamer Express.