Quote Originally Posted by Greg H View Post
I agree with the brown woolly bugger idea for a crayfish, but suggest two clumps of squirrel tail for the claws - or even just one clump because the c'fish folds them together when travelling. I find the squirrel colouring, shape and stiffness more closely represents the claws and doesn't tangle as much either. You could put some lead eyes on the hook Clouser style (but closer t othe bend) to get the fly down and also keep the hook pointing up). The extra bulk there when you dub or use chenille will be more like the shape of a c'fish too.
I think helgramites don't live in lakes very often. I have a cabin on an excellent smallmouth lake and have never (28 years) seen either the nymph (helgrammite) or adult (dobson fly) there. Damsel, dragon, mayfly and caddis; yes - so I presume if helgramites liked still water they would be there. I think Googling 'helgramite' would help identify where they might turn up.
I like the sound of your crawdad pattern. Any chance you could post a picture of one of them?
