I took a friends advice a while ago, which was buy the cheapest breathables you can. Because all breathables will eventually leak, and the differences can be too subtle to even worry about.

Not sure if I agree with him completely, because I would have liked hand warmer pockets... but I picked up some breathable allbrights that were on sale that I got for a steal at like 40 bucks a piece. I picked up 3 pairs Hahaha. I'm still on the first one, and I have abused the thing. Saltwater, thorns rocks, roll them up and used it as a pillow, etc etc. No leaks, no breaks in the seams... love em.

I did have a pair of Orvis gold waders (i think that was brand) I got them back in 1998 and I had to replace them in 2009, after they started seaping water in. no amount of aquaseal could stop the leak. I almost burned them and put them in an Urn I loved them so much.