Would you want to know?

Here’s the deal.

There’s a fellow who posted here and on a couple of other boards I post on. He claimed to be a young guide, student, father and a good Christian. He and I had one transaction through the classifieds on another site, that went pretty well. Instead of selling him the rod had I listed in that deal, I ended up trading my nearly new four piece Sage Fli for his well used T.F.O Finesse, knowing he was strapped for time and cash. Why would I do that? Read on…

Some months later I had another fly rod listed in the classifieds. There was some interest in it by others, but he contacted me and asked if he could purchase it. Again, he was currently short on funds. None the less, having been a young married guide myself ( eons ago ) , I decided to reject the other cash offers I’d received, deciding instead to either sell it to him at a reduced rate or let him tie flies equal to that sum to work off the debt. He chose the latter.

Well you can guess what happened next, right?

The last time he corresponded with me was on 5/ 16 / 2011 when he said he was getting to work on those flies. He acknowledged the receipt of the rod, as confirmed by the U.S.P.S.
I still have all the shipping documentation and I’ve kept a file of all of our correspondence.

Over the months that followed he shunned my emails, P.M.s and letters to his home address.
Since that date, he’s only signed on to these sites, but he’s not posted a thing to any of the three boards he was previously active on.
He made somethng less than fifty posts here over a three year period, many of those to the classifieds. Some here will likely remember him, although they may not have noticed that he’s stopped participating on the forum.

Today, I see he has become active again with his first post since back in May of 2011.

This is not about sicking the post office on him or ever hoping to get him to make good with either the flies or the equivalent funds that would relieve his debt. The time for that has past.

My only question is this.
Now that he thinks it safe to climb back out from under the rock he’s been hiding under. Would you, a reader of FAOL want to be warned if he was becoming active again here, either on the bulletin boards or in the classifieds?

Thanks all, Dave

To answer your question, yes, I think I would want to be warned. In this currently messed up world we live in, where its getting harder and harder to trust - although we all long for that trusting time again, I think the honest people have to stick together and warn of known scammers.

My 2 cents.

Step 1) Sue the SOB in small claims court.
Step 2) post his info everywhere to protect others!!!

Yes, I would make sure all FAOL members know about the facts as you stated and let judgment be made from that, it’s apparent the guy had no intention to make good or fulfill his end of the deal.

I want to know.

Just to be safe perhaps you should provide the details (and enough of) your materials to prove your case to one of the admins by PM. They could review the situation and bar / ban the individual. If the person acted as described they should not be allowed to participate here at all. You will protect yourself from attack or retaliation. Now, I have no doubt your position is true and correct. The a** should be banned for life.

i think it would be a disservice to good standing members of this forum to not name him.

I think I agree with billhouk otherwise could he sign in under another name?


As an Admin here on the FAOL site, I would appreciate it if you would inform me as to who this guy is and let me dig into things. Please privately e-mail me with any info you may have. denny@conranch.com or 509-999-7472.
I would be happy to try and communicate with him if he will answer my requests. Depending on his response??



Thanks, Denny.

Thank you all for taking the time to reply,

Lets be clear. There are no identifiers in my posting that would lead anyone here to the identity of the individual. There also is no offer in my posting to do so. The stretch between what was posted and what some here imagined might be forthcoming was just that, a product of their imaginations. I posed a straight forward question, to gauge the members interest in these matters.

I known how to handle this matter and even though, as I stated in my post, I’m not interested in recouping my loss. There is sufficient reason for us all to be cautious in our dealings, even when it’s with members who we think we have some sense of. Be it here or anywhere else on the net.
To that end, my posting serves it’s purpose - as a reminder.

Thanks again for taking the time to respond, Dave

The first thing I would do, and I know it has been a long time and he should have contacted you. Is to contact him, find out why he renigged on his part of the deal and ask him to make good. Maybe(and only giving him the benefit of the doubt) he came back to hopefully make contact with you and make things right. If he refuses or doesn’t contact you, make him aware of your intension on here and other sites and then post his info. but, I would definately give him the opportunity to do what’s right first. He may have forgotten after this much time and that’s why he’s posting again. Just my $.02

Unlike eBay and similar sites there are no rating systems in the classified. Because of that I feel his or her handle should be released to give others the information necessary to make an informed decision.

I think it’s best to work through the Admins on this. I have confidence that Denny can sort out the situation and take the appropriate action. Either the guy will be willing to compensate Dave E after all this time or not. There are certain liabilities associated with putting the man’s name out there that have to be considered.

Whatever happens, the man has to have recognized from this thread that all has not been forgotten.

Hey Dave, I am glad that you took the time to post this…a couple of years ago there was a young man on here posting that was new to fly fishing and was looking for a rod…for his Dad …and some gear…well…I bit…I not only sent him a rod, reel and some gear…in exchange he was going to “tie me up a load of flies”…well the flies never came and I never received any more replies to my emails. He just dropped off of the face of the earth. I learned a good lesson with that experience and it probably won’t hinder me from helping someone else in the future…which I have, but I certainly will do more checking before I take the leap.
I did not take the time to post as you did, but in retrospect, I should have as now I wonder if anyone else ponied up some free gear for the hmm…ficticious “Dad”.

Since the thread is not locked…YET…I’ll make some comments. I’m new to this board but have been on other boards for quite awhile. I’ve seen these kind of things play out until someone begins to make threats and others make accusations. It never goes well. In the past I’ve twice sent a rod to a fellow fisherman with no intention of a sale but just because I was able to do it. I have often bought things I would not normally have bought except someone help fast. I have never offered to lend someone money, be it kids or friends. I’ve given them money to help them out at the time and the only way to keep from getting angry is to consider it a gift, and if it does find it’s way back that’s a plus.

There was a time when I had to hook up with someone else to fish because I couldn’t afford gas to fish and to get to work. I remember those times. I hope the person you have dealt with will step up and fulfill his end of the agreement. If not I would not “out” him on a bulletin board but might pm someone working on a deal with them. Just my .02…or is it .05, prices have gone up.


Yes, thank you, I would want to know who to be aware of. Better to learn from others than learning on my own.

I would not “out” him on a bulletin board but might pm someone working on a deal with them. Just my .02…or is it .05, prices have gone up.

Chances are, you will never see “someone working on a deal” on the forum. A lot that goes on is in the form of a PM. 80% of what’s in my inbox is wheelin and dealin.

I’ve got to come down on the side with Bill H and PA Dave… The admins can better handle this as opposed to starting a public brawl of “he said, he said.” Those never come out well, and they lower us all into the abyss that some “other” websites seem to wallow in…

One last point… It’s not always a clear-cut case of one or the other parties being a dirt-bag! I’ve had a buyer or two whine so much about “wanting more” for their money-- and you guys know that my “hook/fly” sales always net you MORE than is listed --that I finally sent them some “extras” just to be rid of them. The same goes on during purchases as well. I’ve bought in for a certain item, only to receive less than what was supposedly being offered. Sad… truly sad!!

As has been pointed out previously, it’s written off to the world in which we live. But, we fly-wranglers have the power to change things and renew the “old ways” of being true to our word, respectfull, honest and stead-fast, even if it IS only in our little corner of the world…

So sayeth hairwing530 on this Tuesday morning…