Work is ticking me off

Can you believe the nerve of the company I work for? They are sending me to do a job at some power plant in Coldwater, Michigan and won’t let me stay and fish for a day. I should just quit.

As long as I am in Michigan I might as well pick up my fishing licence as I will need it in 11 or 12 days. LOL


Not that I would do it but if you truck breaks down and takes a day to be fixed, and you just happen to have a fly rod in the truck…:rolleyes:


Eric we think alike the fly rod is coming with LOL

In the old days, you would be talking on the CB radio and you could make that interference noise and say “I’m losing you! I can’t hear you!” Your cutting out!

Works with cell phones also. I do that to customers that I don’t want to listen to.

So that was you I was talking to yesterday!

I’m self employed, and every time I have to make a business trip (about once a month) from MA to VT it takes about 4 days. Sombody has to do it!!!

I know what you mean, I’ve been working for about 50 days straight! I’ll finally get this weekend off and do some Flyfishing…hang in tere Buddy, it cant last forever,

Best Regards, Boser

Well crossed the Coldwater River and Coldwater Creek in two places going to and coming home from the job and did not get to stop :frowning:

So sorry Scut, I would have loved to read the story, probably wouldn’t be any pics, that might incriminate you ha ha ha