With a Nod to Donald Nicolson

Here is a link to a wee article on wet fly men from the same journal (different issue) that Donald has recently linked to.

http://www.fish-wild.co.uk/index.php?da … ines&pid=6

Excellent, I missed that somehow, thanks Ed.
By the by, Alan Goodwin has posted on this BB many times over the years,
maybe better known as Highlander.

Add my thanks for the link also, Ed. Excellent indeed.


Very nice article. And REE, if you’re looking to feed that wet fly habit, check out the Highlander’s web site at www.thehighlanderway.com Alan has some great pages, and shows images of a number of useful wets. He doesn’t list the recipes, but part of the fun can be figuring them out and comming up with your own material lists.

I’m starting to replace my kit now. Still have to figure out when I can get to Rotorua to get the Pukeko. Hopefully soon.

  • Jeff

Not to highjack a thread, but more of an aside. All of VEE’s and my success at the CWFI came on wee wets. I didn’t even try a dry fly.



How about a report on you and VEE’s wet fly adventures then? I was just talking with a friend who had no luck in the Tongariro-Taupo (sp?) until he switched over to one of the partrige and orange spiders I gave him last Christmas. Soon as he did that, he quickedly hooked up into 3 rainbows. There are times when wee wets are the way.

  • Jeff