We see lots of threads about all the ‘neat’ stuff you can find for fly tying at craft stores.
For some reason, though, mention Bass Pro Shops, and folks start getting their backs up. It’s as if there is something wrong with them, or their stuff, or their management. I don’t get it. Lots of stuff, good prices, they do all kinds of things to support the sport of fishing, and they seem to try to work with any community groups or organizattions that request their support…oh, yeah, they aren’t the ‘local fly shop’ and for some reason we seem to treat ‘support your local fly shop’ with a vigor bordering on some kind of religious fanaticism. Don’t get that esither, but…
So, my point is, have you ever taken the time to ‘wander’ one of these stores looking specifically for ‘stuff’ for fly tying? I’m not talking about the ‘fly shop’ part of them (they have stuff there, lots of it in some locations), but the ‘regular bass/saltwater/catfish/panfish stuff’ sections…
I was able to do that a while back. Had plenty of time, which is important on such an undirected search. I wanted to see what I could see and find.
I found all kinds of neat ‘stuff’ that no fly shop will ever carry…thick round lead wire on a spool for making large lead eyes (I have 1/8 inch lead wire, but I found a spool of 3/16 AND 1/4). Round silicone rubber ‘leg’ type stuff, in a larger diameter, big enough to use as bodies on nymphs up to a size 14, and in a decent color pallet. Tiny little ‘egg’ shaped weights, which I wanted for nymphing in swift water…cheap.
Hooks. No ‘fly tying hook’ markup. Just ‘fish hooks’, but in several styles (aberdeen being one of my favorites) and in sizes that fit a lot of my tying. They have hundreds of thousands of them…but you got to pick through and see what’s there and adapt it…I know most of you don’t want that hassle, but I think it’s kind of fun. I find I have uses for things like drop shot hooks (up eye ‘scud’ bend hooks), lots of the ‘jig’ hooks (they have a ‘swim jig hook’ that looks curiously like a ‘swimming nymph hook’ in a larger size that’s pefect for my favorite craw tie)-they aren’t all just bent up eyes…I’m also playing with a lot of the smaller circle hooks for tying…you can find them all in a place like this so you can actually compare them side by side…they don’t even mind if you want to open the package…they told me to go right ahead…and one feller then spent an hour talking with me about diferent hook styles and their uses for flies…had a great day.
By the way, both Mustad and Eagle Claw sell a plain old sproat hook, standard length and heavy wire, that looks curiously just like a ‘nymph/wet fly’ hook…I know it will work for my tying…found them with the bait fishing stuff…had 6X streamer hooks there, too…seems some bait fishing folks like the longer shank hooks for certain applications…but they can’t really BE streamer hooks since they were only around $4 for a box of a hundred and we all know streamer hooks are expensive.
Strike indicators…you can get the little foam ones there in bulk. Walleye fishermen use basically the same thing their crawler rigs…in lots of colors and sizes…
Lots of little parts and pieces in the tackle making section for us too. Bits of hardware, tiny little eyes for leader rings, snaps and leader/leader materials for toothy critters…Anyone ever try large ‘crimp sleaves’ for underbodies?
I forget what all I bought, but it was a lot of useful fly tying stuff for not a lot of money, and I had some fun too.
I do have to admit that I was not prepared for the ‘look’ of the store itself. Place was huge. I expected that, but what I wasn’t prepared for was how much space was used for something other than product. I’ve been in retail for many years, and maximizing sales space was always a priority. I guess not for the BPS folks…aquariums, a trout stream running through the store, more animal mounts than most nature museums. Nice place to be.
Don’t eat at the restaurant at the BPS in Phoenix, though. Food and service sucked there…only bad part of the whole day.