Where to go in Washington State

Hey everyone. I will be spending about 4 days in the Seattle area in early summer. Looking for suggestions as to where a person might slap a fly on the water. Driving a couple hours tp get there is not a problem. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Ephrata. Rocky Ford
(rainbow, 12 to 28 inches. #18, 20, 22, 24 dries or scuds etc.)(dumb fish!) :twisted:

Beaches! Lot’s of 'em around here. You could try the Yakima, but may need a DB by the time you are here.

When you say early summer are you talking June? July? If in July you might consider the Stillaguamish river. A legendary summer run steelhead river which is about an hour?s drive to the north of Seattle. The first designated fly only river in the US. If interested send me a pm and perhaps I can show you a bit of the Stilly.

Kerry’s suggestion is a good one. My wife and I fished the NF Stilly in June of 05 and hit a few decent fish - river was a little low but it was absolutely gorgeous. There are also some dollies/bulls in there in case you can’t locate the steelies. There was a big landslide up there about a year ago - but it should still fish well in July.

I would heavily consider Kerry’s offer.


If in late June or early July hit one of the local beach areas for the action on Pink Salmon. If they are not around you may still get into some Silvers or Sea Run Cutthrout. All three are a lot of fun on a fly rod. The Pinks come in every two years and this year is the year for them.

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Not quite sure when we will be in Washington. Could be early June, could be July. I’ll be back for more suggestions when we nail down an exact date for our trip. Thanks again.

Bumping it up…
I’ll be in Puyallup (sp) in mid July so keep the details coming in. Thanks.