What's Wrong with the People On This Board Anyway?

There’s got to be something wrong with a number of the people on this board.

I recently posted an ad looking to get some Purple (of all colors!) trying thread and floss. Maybe I wasn’t entirely clear when I wrote the ad, but I intended to pay for it. I know I could drive 60 or 90 miles to my favorite local shop or to Cabelas and probably get some, or I could mail order it, but I figured I’d just see if anyone frequentling this board had any laying around, and it’d save a bit of time and travel cost for me that way.

Then, no sooner than the ad had been up for a day or two and I start getting these emails from guys I don’t know from Adam offering to send me some of this material, and all they wanted to know was where to send it.

So, what’s the matter with these guys anyway? What do they think this is, Christmas?

It makes me feel good, and want to go out and do a good deed for someone else. Then maybe somebody’ll think there’s something wrong with me too. :smiley:


Naw, they don’t think it’s Christmas. They do know it is FAOL 'tho :lol: and a lot of them believe in not just sharing, but paying forward. Got to love these folks. :oops:

Yep! That’s FAOL! The people make this board the best. John, if you haven’t yet made a Fish-In, you really should try to attend. You’ll put faces with names & have a great time.

Tuber – you ever go fishing with Marilyn Manson? My exchange student from a year ago told me this guy, who she considered the primo musical artist of all times, was also from Canton. g Just couldn’t resist. On a more serious note, I can’t say if it is just FAOL or not, but I’ve always found fly fishers to be the most sharing and caring group of any group around. I’ve made mention of this before, but I can’t remember the “decal boys” standing around a tackle box sharing Rapalas and gummy worms. Never seen it happen. Anywhere, any time. It’s so common among fly fishers, though, that it seems we can’t get enough of each other’s fuzz. JGW

I’m in a replying mood again tonight but, JGW , I just know it’s better to let that one go :twisted: :twisted: :wink: :lol:

You made me laugh my BUTT off!!..there goes 60 pounds!
Marilyn & I might both be from Canton, but BY GOD, that’s ALL we have in common!! :lol: :lol:

You are right…I am new (6-7 years) to flyfishing, and the sharing of everything from tips to tackle is FAR more prevalent in flyfishing.

Well you can’t say we haven’t tried. Lord knows I sure have. They seem to be an unstoppable tide of helpfullness.
To do my part in stamping this kind of thing out I try to dissuade unsolicited help from FAOLers all the time. Sometimes it isn’t easy. Once I even had to turn down a ride back to camp. A ride back to camp can you believe that? What next an invitation to dinner? So I turned them down flat. That will show them. Darn goody two shoes anyway. :shock: Just who in the heck do they think they are paying it forward Willy nilly without regard to anyones feelings like that?
Just for that maybe I should help out some poor unsuspecting fly fisher. Yea! I’ll just pay it forward that’ll show them. Teach them to give out free stuff. The very idea! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

got to say when I made the offer I wasn’t being nice I have a bunch and it is in my way LOL Besides so many people have done so many things for me here that I have to pay it forward I like the good Karma I my age bad Karma can be deadly LOL.

:smiley: On the subject of “Paying it Forward” a small comment on one of the most Generous people on this Board I have the privledge of calling a friend( one of very many) Mike Flanagan aka “Ohiotuber”.
At the Michigan Fish-In Organizational Meeting as he was passong out various “flavors” of some of the “gadzillion” feet of chenille he has accumalated.
He passed on to me a “Scott SAS” 9ft. 4wt., and then Apoliged for not including a reel and line! Folks this is just a small sampleing of the “Family” we have here.
So once again THANK YOU MIKE :smiley:
Oh Yeah if you ever get the chance to try Mike’s Peanut Butter Fudge Ya Gotta!!!

Ditto on Mike’s fudge!!! Best I believe I’v tasted.

Thanks, but I was just paying forward. I won’t mention names, because it would take pages!..As John said when he posted, “a number of people on this board”. It’s a very special place indeed.
God Bless you all!

I’m one of those that offered a small spool of purple floss, probably worth $0.25 and has been in my material collection for 3 years untouched.

A coupla weeks ago, I was ffishing a nice olive and midge hatch on Spring Creek near State College when I smelled the aroma of a nice cigar.

I complimented the smoker, who was using an HI bamboo rod. He said it was a Maduro wrap and offered me one. I declined, saying I preferred a lighter flavor, whereupon he pulled another brand out of his vest.

Should I have offered him one of my killer flies?


IMHO. :wink: You should have invited him to dinner and afterwards each of you enjoyed one of your choice… along with a nice glass of…8) 8) 8)

giving without attachment is one of life’s most satisfying experiences for me. I have given a few things to folks on this board and I am glad to have done so. Years ago I decided to always give the other person the biggest piece of the pie and it has proven to be one of the most satisfying choices for me. True giving is healing.

I have personally been the recipient of some gracious and kind folks over the past few years. It takes you back, it does!

This has been returned in kind too and have made a few friends because of it. It’s not something I’ve done randomly for the most part but the generosity of some members of various boards I report on has amazed me.

I try to carry a positive “half full” as opposed to “half empty” attitude towards life and dealing with people. Most times that has been fullfilling and sometimes I don’t think I do it enough.

I recently had a really nice, custom made bamboo rod given to me by a good friend that I’ve come to know just recently. It brought me to my knees, I’ll tell ya!!

Onstream, there have been a few times when the conversation took a turn that enabled me to share a fly or two with some unknowns that didn’t have a pattern that I knew worked well at the time. It gives you a great feeling inside, especially if you run across that person again at a later date.
