Nighthawk, When ya go too Wyoming, make Laramie your destination. Above there is an old gold mining camp called Keystone. Lotsa awesome feeder creeks, Rob Roy Resavoir,N Platte is close. South is Colorado heading toward Ft Collins, Boo builder there as well as a lot of rivers cricks. I have finally worked up to 3 weeks vacation, got a trip here in Oregon planned, mayhap we can hook up for a ROAD TRIP!!! Cya-Clyde
Hey Eric,
I’ll bet you just KNEW I’d chime in on THIS post. Byron would be more of an authority on the subject but… Even the word “Wyoming” rolls smoothly off one’s tongue. It’s where “far, beautiful and high” were invented. Nice to know that Pennsylvania has a “Wyoming” also, as does MIchigan, New York and a few other states. Good to know you’ve added a visit there to your bucket list. Thomas Campbell also apparently loved Wyoming ( veeerrrrryyyyy mmmuuuucccchhhh).
I do too as illustrated by my “signature” and…
Okay, today has been a little hectic hear at work, so I am a little slow getting in on this.
Eric, when you plan to come this way let me now enough in advance, a couple of months or so, and we will see what we can do. Maybe we can get Marco, and even HRH Betty to meet and go downhill from there! I will NOT even claim to be an expert on Wyo. fishing but, I know a few people who can be of some help.
Just give me an excuse to travel and show off my state!!!