I’ve caught lots of pike on a 6 weight. The average pike in the waters I fish run about 20-26 inches, with a few larger ones now and again. A 6 wt. is about perfect for these 3 to 6 pound fish. I’ve had good success with a few larger fish on this weight rod, and I’ve lost a few as well. Bigger fish are supposed to be harder to land, at least in theory.
The 7 will certainly handle the ‘fish’, they don’t fight all that hard, but getting a large fish out of heavy cover may be a challenge. Then again, getting a good pike out of heavy cover is a challenge with a 9 weight too. Part of what makes it so much fun. Nothing wrong with that, but just be prepared. I’ve lost good fish to heavy cover with 9 and 10 weights, and landed larger fish later the same day from the same areas on the 6. Sometimes the fish gets to win.
If you don’t have a heavier rod than the 7, don’t go buy one just because you are going pike fishing. Use what you have. If you like pike fishing, then you can decide AFTER you’ve caught a few if you want a heavier rod.
Remember, it’s the TIPPET strength that deterimes how much pressure you can put on a fish, NOT the rod weight (assuming that you can break the tippet with the rod-always a good idea that the rod NOT be the 'weak ‘link’ in the chain).
What ‘size’ fly you can ultimately cast with any rod/line combination will depend to a great degree on your skills, the conditions you find, and what you define as a decent cast.
I can, and sometimes do, throw 1/0 and 2/0 sized deer hair bugs with a 3 wt., I just don’t throw them farther than about 20-30 feet. And I can’t throw them even close to that far into any kind of a breeze. Too much wind resistance for that light line to overcome.
The weight of LINE does dictate, to some degree, how large a fly you can efficiently cast. You can work with how flies are tied/constructed to mitigate this somewhat, but tossing an 8 inch deceiver or a bunny leech with heavy dumbell eyes isn’t too much fun with a 7 weight. So, you’ll have to downsize the flies a bit if you need to make longer casts.
Good luck!