I make this pattern for the late spring and summer season when the LM bass are feeding on frogs. It is tied on a 40 mm shank that I have attached a size #2 inline hook with the point up so that it does not snag the weeds. The legs swing down freely giving it lots of action. I make the body from 3/16" balsa so it is nice and light to cast. It’s a great pattern for fishing nice and slowly over submerged weedbeds. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.
Jim, Where do you by the living frog legs and what size do you use on the patterns you make.
I buy them from Bigstreamers.com. It’s in Europe, but the shipping is not too expensive and they ship quickly. I finf that size medium and small are the best for fly tying. I use the size extra small for very small patterns, but the size large and extra large are just too big for patterns that are castable. That’s just been my experience.
Thanks Jim. I appreciate the info. You make some excellent looking bass patterns.
Thanks for the kind words Dennis. By the way, the pattern in this post is made with medium-size frog legs to give you and idea of the sizes. Ibuy them in black, white and light green. The light colors take markers okay.
Feel free to message me if you have any questions.
Jim Smith