Well folks we spent the last year and a hal fstarting up our little fly tying group up here in St. Joe and now we’re going to have a warm water one fly. I’ve attached all the info and rules so let me know if you have any more questions and I’ll do the best I can to answer them. Thanks and I hope to see lots of you there.
Happy Holler Tying Group Warm Water One Fly Tournament
We would like to thank you all for taking an interest in this tournament, it will be held on Saturday, September the 27th at the Pony Express Conservation Area. Our entry fee will be a modest fifteen dollars and all proceeds are going to be donated to the Savannah United Methodist Youth Group for a mission trip in the summer of 2009. We have a very interesting fishing opportunity here with many species of fish available from muskie, to bass, carp, crappie, and bluegill; we also have a scoring bracket for all species of fish found in this body of water. I would also like to thank all the great folks who have been so generous as to donate prizes for the tournament like the custom built fly rod and case that will be given away for first place.
The registration fee will be fifteen dollars the day of the tournament Registration time will be from 5:00am until 6:45am All participants must be registered by 6:45 the morning of the tournament and will need to be present at the 6:45 safety meeting. Each participant will be given an area map and list of area rules and regulations during the tournament, as well as your score sheets for the morning session. You must present a valid Missouri fishing license to register for the tournament unless you are legally exempt.
Flies for this tournament will be defined as any natural or synthetic material that is tied, glued, or otherwise permanently attached to a single hook, excluding soft plastics and/or scented material or bait of any kind. Each participant will be allowed two flies for the morning session and then will be allowed to switch flies for the afternoon but will still only be allowed two. Flies for each session must be of the same size, weight, shape and color. At no point may a participant be allowed to add anything to a fly, though you may remove whatever you feel is necessary as long as no major modifications to weight of the fly is made.
Fishing will be allowed on all waters open to fishing on the Pony Express Conservation Area that are open to fishing and will be conducted under state and area regulations. All fish scored must be released back to the water as harm free as possible as soon as possible. Fishing will begin the morning of the tournament immediately following the safety meeting. There will be a mandatory break at 12:00pm to check in for the afternoon session. Fishing for the afternoon session will be from 3:00pm until dark. After the afternoon session is completed we will have a short awards ceremony and a short closing for all that want to attend. There will be a fun mini tournament during the lunch break that will have no effect on the main tournament; it is just something we wanted to do for a good time.
Boats, kayaks, canoes, and belly boats will be allowed for the tournament under state and area regulations. There are 16 boats at the main lake that are available for rent through the conservation department the day of the tournament for five dollars a day on a first come first serve basis.
Only fish that are released will be allowed to be scored. Scoring will be done on an honor basis following the official length point values.
Bass-------------------------15? to 19? ----------------- 10 points ---------------- 20?±--------------------------- 15 points
Crappie--------------------- 9? to 11?------------------- 5 points ---------------- 12?±---------------------------- 10 points
Panfish -----------------7? to 9? --------------------- 5 points ----------------10?±---------------------------- 10 points
(bluegill, perch)
Catfish ---------------- 16? to 23?-------------------10 points ---------------24?±---------------------------- 15 points
(channel, flathead, blue)
Rough fish ---------------16? to 23? ------------------10 points ----------------24?±---------------------------- 15 points
(carp, buffalo)
Muskie -------------------36? to 39? ------------------30 points ----------------40?±---------------------------- 50 points
Please remember to bring a tape measure of some kind to get an accurate length of your fish as well as a camera to take lots of pictures of your fish.
Thanks again for your interest in our tournament and we look forward to seeing you there. If you have any other questions about the tournament please feel free to call or e-mail us and we will do our best to answer them for you.
Megan Pflugradt (tournament director)
E-mail------- fishinggirlmp@yahoo.com
Phone------ (816) ? 676 ? 8197
Steve Pflugradt (assistant director)
E-mail------- scubas1981@yahoo.com
Phone------ (816) ? 676 ? 8197
The MacGyver Tournament
This mini tournament will test the skills, patients and wits of the most seasoned of fly tiers and fishers. In this mini tournament you will not only have to tie at least two flies to fish with. You will also be allowed to tie flies to be judged for style and creativity.
Each participant will be allowed.
1tying vice
Assortment of tools (your choice)
Assortment of thread (your choice)
Assortment of hooks (your choice)
1 bottle glue, epoxy, or head cement
1 fly rod
1fly reel
1fly line
1 leader
1 spool tippet
You will be given a selection of materials to tie flies with that are not your typical fly tying materials. You will be given two hours to tie flies to fish with, and to be judged for style and creativity, as well as catch and score as many fish as possible. All materials will be provided for you and you are not allowed to bring or add any outside materials to your flies. Fish caught will be scored as ? point per ? inch rounding down to the nearest half inch, unless the fish is 4 inches or less in which you will be given 1 point for that particular fish. Five bonus points will be given for creativity in tying and another five bonus points will be given to for style in tying. Flies tied for creativity and style must be tied separately from those tied to fish with, a minimum of two flies must be tied to fish with. No other flies are required unless you would like to tie them to be judged for the bonus points or feel you may need them to fish with. The ?MacGyver Panel? will perform all judging and scoring. This should be a fun and interesting test of your skills and ability to improvise so strap on your thinking caps and get ready to think outside the box with what is provided inside the box!
If you would like to participate in the MacGyver tournament please e-mail Megan prior to the tournament so that we will have enough material boxes ready. Thanks and we hope you are as excited about this mini tournament as we are.
Megan Pflugradt