Wanted: Redington Wayfarer Butt Cap

I need the butt cap with threads and ring(s). I know, I can send it back for $25 Bucks and get it replaced, but if I can do it cheaper, it doesn’t look too hard.

I have a 5 piece 9 foot 6 weight. I have no idea what this part would cost or how to measure for it.

I would be able to offer a goodly supply of lemon and/or barred wood duck, if that would make an acceptable trade, or would purchase outright if the price savings warrant. I don’t want to make someone give me a new rod if it is such an easy-looking fix.



I’ve heard of folks using silver coat buttons for butt caps - or I used a coin of the proper size, and epoxied it in(or on).

I need the threaded lower part…to hold the reel on

What your ar describing is the reel seat itself, not the butcap. Can you provide pictures?

On second thought, it may be best to spend the 25 bucks and ship it back to Redington…just my 2% of a dollar.


Why not just call the company, maybe they can ship you the piece that you need.

no go on the part from redington. I expected that since they are made in Asia now, they wouldn’t have parts. It goes back today.

If you need both the butt cap and the tightening rings, it may be a good idea just to change out the whole reel seat yourself.
Perhaps the easiest of all rod repairs.

The rings can be had from a lot of manufactuers as can the but c ap. cost would be around $10 just have to know what type of reel seat or at least the diamiter

thanks. Decided that it would be so much less hassle just to send it back…