Vanessa in a New World

Those of you who follow the Fly Tying Forum threads may recognize Vanessa. Vanessa is an original pattern created by BB member Jeff Hamm of Aukland NZ. The fly is named after his wife.

About two weeks ago, Jeff contacted me to see if I would try catching cutthroat trout here in SE Idaho with some of his New Zealand flies. After a couple PMs, the flies were on their way to the States. They arrived in Tuesday’s mail. There is a thread on the Fly Tying Forum titled “What An Honor” that is a prelude to this thread, and posts on the Fishing Reports Forum reports for SE Idaho Streams and Henry’s Fork of the Snake the past couple days that recount my part in the international collaboration and challenge that Jeff and I undertook.

Today, after fishing the South Fork of the Snake for a couple hours, on my way back to my truck, I decided to bring the story to the Fly Anglers Online Forum. Let me tell you, folks, the walk back to my truck today was very emotional. How often in a lifetime do you develop a friendship and a bond with someone you have never met, who lives thousands and thousands of miles away on another Continent ?? How often do you get to share a unique experience with that person ?? Not before in my lifetime, and I doubt it will happen again in whatever number of years I have left.

This story is a tribute to the FAOL Bulletin Board - so it goes on this Forum.

Vanessa made her debut in the U.S. today. On the South Fork of the Snake. Jeff wanted to know if she ( and his other flies ) would catch cutthroat trout.

First fish of the day -

And a couple more cutthroat to follow, including this one -

I wouldn’t want to call Vanessa fickle, but she also likes brown trout. This was her final commitment today - a 21" brown -

Vanessa is being retired after today. I think not too far down the road, she is going to find herself back in New Zealand with some pictures of the friends she made here in SE Idaho.

Thanks, Jeff. It’s been a great ride - and it ain’t over yet !!


Hi John.

Thanks. I too thank FAOL for making this friendship possible. I’ve met a number of people through this web site that I consider friends. When I go fishing with other people, quite often we fish difference sections of the river, so you don’t really see each other but share the events at the end of the day. I think of your reports as that end of the day sharing. So, in a way, we are fishing together. Thanks again.

  • Jeff

You know you two have just explained what it’s all about!! Nice report John! Nice Fly Jeff!

Got to get me one of those!!


What was the method used for the wee dressed wet? Swing? Drift and strip? Did I see a sinking line on that rod?

Thanks for your on going reports also.

I was following this thread and truly amazed by Jeff’s ties. Thank you for sharing the amazing photos and anecdote! :tieone:

I know I am fairly knew to this site, but since June I have nothing short of impressed by the people in here. In my opinion, the diversity in this board is astounding (i.e. sharing flies across the face of the earth). Kudos to the two of you!

Thanks for the wonderful report!

The flyrod in that photo looks exactly like a 5 wt. Diawa that I own. Could it be? I paid $50. for it at Sports Chalet and believe it or not it is a very nice casting tool.

Outstanding report, John, and great flies, Jeff. Well done to both of you.

Jon Joy - “What was the method used for the wee dressed wet? Swing? Drift and strip? Did I see a sinking line on that rod?”

I almost always use a class II full sinking line for fishing streamers. All of Jeff’s streamer style flies have been fished on that line. The presentation is either across or down and across, depending on the speed of the current and the depth. I almost always use a short ( 6-10" ), steady strip to keep the fly moving across the current. In the really quiet water where I caught the first cutthroat, I cast to areas where fish had risen, but used the same basic presentation - short steady strips on the retrieve.

Gary - “The flyrod in that photo looks exactly like a 5 wt. Diawa that I own. Could it be?”

The rod is a Powell LGA 9’ for 5 wt. It was a “high end” rod that I bought from Sierra Trading Post on close out for about 30% of retail several years ago. Couldn’t ask for a nicer casting rod. While my camera generally does a great job with color, for some reason the color of this blank just doesn’t come through “true” to what the naked eye sees ?? It is much more on the green side than the blue side.


At this point in time ,
I can only aspire to tie a set of flies as nice as those that I have seen pertaining to this thread.
Darn fine fish too.
Cheers ,


Wonderful pictorial! You have a talent for bring us along on your journey. I consider Jeff one of the finest fly tyers to grace this bb. To see his flies in action only proves his abilities as a tyer (not to take away from you your talent to fish).