For nymphs and streamers I’m now mostly fishing with flourocarbon tippets.
I’m finding, however my triple surgeon’s knot often breaks. I went to
the web to make sure I was tying the knots correctly, but I’m still having
a lot of easy breaks.
Randy, ‘where’ are you using it? Must be from the leader to the tippet. Or you using a tripple surgeons loop knot? Or somehow figured out how to use one to tie on your fly? What brand or quality of leader an tippet are you using? Do you wet it before you pull it tight? As you can see, there is no way to answer your question as written. Sorry.
be sure to wet the line before you knot it and remember that more isn’t necessarily better…more loops won’t make the knot stronger but can actually have the opposite effect.
Thanks. Maybe I haven’t been using enough saliva. Also, ran into
a guy on the stream yesterday who told me that if the difference in
diameter between the flouro tippet and leader is too great the knot
won’t hold.
I have been having trouble with flouro holding it’s knots also. I have never lost a fish do to this though. The knots always break when I tighten them down. If they hold they are good, but if too much friction builds it seems to really affect the flouro.
I am using the new grand max from seaguar. Anyone else have this problem? or might I have gotten a bad batch? Seems unlikely since it happens with all my spools but worth the question.
The surgeons knot shouldn’t be too affected by difference in diameter, within reason. The bloodknot is much more fickle about diameter differences. As long as you are within .005 or .006 of an inch with the surgeons, you should be good. Shouldn’t go much past .002 with a bloodknot (with tippet).
If you are still having problems, maybe try using loop to loop connections for your tippet.
Fly Goddess turned me on to using a surgeon’s knot to tie nymphs/emergers to the tippet with the advantage that since it’s a loop, it provides more movement of the fly in the water.
It’s also faster than a clinch knot and easier to tie with cold, wet fingers.
And I change flies a lot when I’m fishing and not catching, so I LOVE having a good solid knot that I can tie flawlessly in 3 seconds with the added advantage of extra movement for the fly.
Actually I grew up tying the improved so it is 2nd nature for me but the main reason I dislike it is because for me at least it is weaker than a lot of other knots…matters when targeting larger fish…
But we digress…I’m pretty sure this thread is about tippet to leader though Randy still hasn’t defined it…