Thread Stopper

Seems like a lot of the times I post to an existing thread, the thread dies. Does anyone else have the same feeling. Maybe I’ll stop for a while…

That happens to me also . . . . I just thought I must always give the ultimate answer, therefore no more discussion is needed!! :smiley:

I’m sure it’s you. :slight_smile:

Just kidding.

Nah, Joe, it aint you. Now if I am going to hang around here don’t you dare leave.:slight_smile:

Eric, you always know where to get a hold of me.

If it is true, the thread should die right about…

…now. :wink:

…not going to let it happen…next

I think I’ve become the official thread stopper. You have a long way to go Joe.


Got another fly fishing catalog from Cabela’s today.

Where’s mine?

Lotech Joe,

Look at the time! You’ll have to stay up really, really late, or get up really, really early to get in the last word! LOL!!! YAAAAWWWWN!!!

Best regards, Dave S.

Lotech Joe,

Actually, I thought I was the only person that caused this. I figured it was a carryover from when I was in school and entered a room and the conversation stopped;)

Jim Smith

A little deoderant goes a long way of keeping people around you know…

Thread Killing Prowess

…and here I thought this would be about some fly tying innovation…

That doesn’t happen to you or there wold not be all of these responses.


Well shoot. I thought I was the King of the Thread Killers!
Maybe we should have a contest to determine who should wear this ignoble title? :slight_smile:

I notice that this occurs with me when I get in on the end of a discussion. If your post lands on page three or page four of a thread you may be the last post because everyone has already had their say and the topic has been beaten to death. 8T :slight_smile:

Well if you don’t want the be the last guy in a thread and want the thread to last longer…all you have to do is say something controversial or try to tick someone off. It works every time! :stuck_out_tongue:

Never mind stopping a thread. I’ve gotten pretty good at that, it seems, but geez I can’t even get replies to the threads I start.

I apologize for being so boring.:frowning: