They are up!!!!

I got out tuesday afternoon for a while it was nice to see the fish laying in the shallows. They liked to make me change flies a lot. I could get 3 or 4 on a fly then they quit, change and then they would hit again.

Nice pictures. Thanks


Sweet! Nice going, Steve!

Dinks… :wink: good work, sir!

Your Pics have bennet springs as the title Steve. If that’s were you caught them you are the only one I know to go to Bennet and bluegill fish. Good job, they look healthy.

No they are from a local lake. the Bennett Springs pics were still on the camera when I loaded them to the

Get enough and they make a great meal!!! Nice fish


Steve, you went out with a flyrod, caught a bunch of big bream, and didn’t take Miss Betty? You’re in trouble now. :wink:
Actually, I don’t know if Miss Betty chases anything other than trout(s) and salmon(s). You might be safe. (I’m always in trouble with Miss Betty, so safety is only a concept for me.)


EdD I am sure that she will say something to me tonight. It is my goal to get her into the bluegills this spring. She likes the pretty fishes wait till she see’s a nice green sunfish all colored up for spawn. Fatman I will have some for a meal here soon.

Steve, if y’all have red-bellied (red-breast) sunfish there, let her see THOSE in spawning colors. Betty will feel guilty for comparing them to spawning brookies.


We’ve got 'em, Ed, but even better, we’ve got longear sunfish.

Kind of like this one?:confused:

Caught about 2 weeks ago in a local pond.:smiley:
