The hard way

When you get tired of doing it the easy way, you might try it this way.:smiley:

brings a whole new light to noodeling don’t it. Jim

Wow! Sorta leaves one speechless.

Have a question on that video–How did they know where to have the camera to get that shot? Had to be some staging involved in that some way or another.


I was walking through the den this morning when this came on, they were discussing the fact they had to get a cameraman into position. I am probably wrong but they may have been chumming the area a little.

Makes me hope he has reproduced.

That’s been on the internet for some time now. It was probably a marlin just recently caught and released. No real marlin would let you grab onto them like that and not take off immediately.

It was on my msn browser today, and yes it was chummed and the camera positioned and several other things the guy wouldn’t divulge in setting the thing up. I look to see this young man come up for a Darwin award shortly.:stuck_out_tongue:

There is no way he is catching a “fresh” marlin. That has to be one that was already caught and tired out. No way he could do that to one that wasn’t. Which brings another idea: Why torture a fish that has already been tired out to the brink of death as they are when they are caught.

Once upon a time I read about some guy fishing striper in the Gulf Stream…from in the water. No boat, just a wetsuit and a rod. Caught the fish, they towed him around, released the fish.

That marlin was definately NOT a fresh fish. It would have been GONE! as soon as he splashed down.

In the US, that’s not even a legal way of catching fish. Noodling is only allowed for freshwater catfish, and that’s not even allowed in all the states.

I put this in the same catagory as the ‘Reality’ shows…nothing but sensationalist garbage.

I go Marlin fishing every so often. There is no way that was a ‘fresh’ marlin. If it had of been, we’d be reading his obituary instead of a video. Marlin are one of the fastest and most powerful fish in the ocean. They regularly chase down and eat Bluefin Tuna, leave Mako Sharks in the dust, and can dive to several hundred feet deep in seconds. And they normally jump ALOT higher than this one did. It was a pretty half-hearted fight for a Billfish, and this one had obviously pretty much given up before this guy even entered the water.

This is just like the guys that supposedly wrestle Black Bears, and the bear is actually someone’s trained ‘pet’ that has been trained not to hurt anyone (Ever wonder why no one ever gets bit, or have their face ripped off at these events?). Otherwise, you’d be picking up their pieces all over the ring. An unarmed man, no matter how tough he is, is no match for a bear, or a marlin. That’s why we invented weapons. Our use of tools is the only thing that put us at the top of the Food Chain. Otherwise, we’d just be another entree for the real predators.

According to this lad, he’s caught so many fish the conventional way, that it’s become boring. This is a way for him to put the spice back in his fishing experience, that was there when he first started. Give me a break. Any of you that have reached that point of boredom and are looking to find a new way to stimulate your adrenals?

I got to thinking about this over the weekend, and then I realized what an incredibly STUPID thing to do this was. The Marlin was obviously played out, ie; no doubt putting out distress signals from sound, smell and electrical, so that any local shark could pick up on them. Sharks have been known to react to these signals from as far as a mile away. Marlin is a favorite food of large Mako sharks (when they can ambush them, or catch them in just this type of situation), and many a Marlin has been cut in half by a Mako while being fought, and even during landing. Now, this idiot is riding on a tired out marlin…so what happens when a hungry Mako shows up for dinner?

As I said…STUPID.

And the really bad thing is that now, some other idiots will probably try to imitate this Looney-Tune, and do some ‘extreme’ fishing. The Darwin Awards competion will be heavy this year, I suppose.

Hopefully the shark will come and feed…on HIM!

That has got to be one played-out fish to give up that easily. If that were a fresh fish, our diving friend would be setting a new record for the underwater, three hundred yard sprint. Total set up! Total trash! 8T :frowning:

I think I’ll just stick to my farm pond bluegills…