Some smallies.

While panfishing we hooked into some smallies, two of them. One from last year while they were in season. Not the biggest, but quite a fight for me on the 2 wt.

My sons was on his spinning gear, with a split shot and a wooly bugger.

We found a large pool with some lunkers in it while out the other day looking for crappies. Once the bass are in season, we’re going after them:)

Last years, on my 7wt

This years on my 2wt.

My sons, on his spinning gear w/bugger

Thanks for looking,

Ah-h-h…the smell of smallies on a June day.

“not the biggest”? Those are real DANDY smallies, I’d say!!! Good job Shane & son!!

Beautiful fish Shane! Good pics, too thanks for sharing them.
Try the “legged ones” you and I have been discussing and see what happens next time you go!?!

Thanks a lot guys! Trust me, those are the biggest we’ve caught. We normally catch them in the 8-10" range. But, sometimes we catch em bigger:)

Paul, soon as the season is open, I’m hitting all the water around here with the leggy buggers:) This weak I’m going to hit the pond close to here full of panfish. Pumpkinseeds, rockies and largmouth in it. Excited to see the reaction compared to the typical buggers:)

Thanks a lot for the compliments,