I just got back from a family trip down to Gatlinburg and the Smokies. What a BEAUTIFUL place! This was our first time down there and although I had my rod, reel and some flies I did not plan on fishing at all and I never even got the stuff out. It was actually refreshing to just be on vaca and enjoy the area without fishing for a change (I know blasphemy)
Anyway, we only had a couple days down there and only one day was spent in the Park. I did see some fish in the two rivers we drove/walked by, but nothing of any size at all. I just thought I’d share a few pictures of some fishy looking water that some of you guys might enjoy.
This is the Roaring Fork River (it is labeled incorrectly in the file)
Same river, different view.
Same falls, but a little different look:
Just for fun, here is a pic of a cool butterfly we saw on a hike.
More to come as soon as I can upload them!
Next time I go down, you better believe I’ll have some fish pix. Anyone want to unload their secrets to the Great Smoky Mt. NP fishing?
Say, this newbie can actually contribute to a thread.
The Smoky Mountains are a terrific place to fish - trout and smallies. I prefer trout, but… Generally, speaking the trout are small. These freestone rivers have lots of diversity in terms of food source, but not a lot on quantity. That’ll keep 'em small.
On the other hand, you’ll find some mighty fine fish who are rather wary of their prey. Great fun to “hunt”! Must keep out of sight as best you can and use caution. But they’re there.
Its possible to hit the GSMNP grand slam… browns, bow’s and brookies. I haven’t done it yet.
I was there last week with my wife and son. We may have passed on the road.
We did get a chance to fish a little around Greenbriar and later in the week by Treemont.
Here’s what a pretty typical fish in the Smokey’s looks like. They’re small. The biggest one I have personally caught there was a 9" brown and that is considered a very big fish in the park waters. Most are in the 5" range.
The first pic is the fish, the second is the stream it came from.
Nice photos. Thanks for sharing them. You are right and many will agree, sometimes just being there is fantastic. I was backpacking with the younger boys in the scout troop this weekend at Minister Creek in the Allegheny National Forest. No rod, no flies, but beautiful.
Thanks guys.
Nighthawk–Canon XTi, basic Canon 18-55mm lens, and most of these shots had either a 6 or 8 second exposure with a 22 f/stop.
BBW–saw a handful of fish, all were about the size posted by jeffnles.
I am thinking this is a great excuse to buy a 00 wt. Sage, eh? I didn’t get a chance to upload any more and was in a hurry yesterday. Here are a few more for ya.
I’m just throwing this one in for fun. Here’s a pic of my youngest boy who fell asleep in his backpack carrier on the way back from a little hike. He was out cold!
I do know exactly how you all feel about the Smokey Mountain NP. I am headed up there in just a few minuets. I do have one advantage over most of you in that I only have to drive about 40 miles to get there. It is one of my favorite places for fishing and just slow hiking. Great pics from all of you. Wish I could take pics that good. John
I did have a good day today, just got back a little while ago. The waters near Townsand were covered by Tubers, so I went up higher near tremont. I did get a couple of small Brookies. The best part was to be able to get out of the city and enjoy the outdoors. It was a nice day. My Daughter did get one pic while we were out. Not the best pic but she really liked it. John
If you don’t have one then I highly recommend buying a wireless remote for it. I see Canon offers one but you should be able to get one on eBay cheaper. I got one for my Pentax K-110D last week and I love it already! Would come in real handy for those family photos. Like mom, dad and kids all in front of the camera opening presents.
Great pictures and that tuckered out youngin is so awesome!