Simms wading shoe/sandal help

I am trying to decide between these… … D.ID=14433

and these… … D.ID=52128

for my wet-wading outings…anybody with pros/cons or has either input would be welcome!! Thanks…

Dear K3,

I’ve tried wading sandals and my biggest problem is that I always manage to get a decent sized piece of gravel, or a rock, or some either debris wedged between the bottom of my foot and the sole of the sandal. This usually happens when I am waist deep in the water and it’s awkward and uncomfortable until I can reach shallow water to remove the offending item.

Consequently, I’ve resigned myself to just wearing an old pair of heavy woolen socks and a pair of neoprene socks with built-in gravel guards with my regular wading shoes when I wet wade. I wet wade a lot from late April to mid October, and this set up works well for me by providing protection to the soles of my feet as well as my ankles and toes.

Best Wishes,
Avalon :smiley:


Zacticly what Avalon said…

It depends on where you wade. Many places I fish can be rocky. As a result feet can get jammed between rocks which hurts A LOT! I might consider sandals for sand flats or lakes but not streams where I fish.

Therefore I wouldn’t get caught dead in a pair of sandals on a stream, (or in any public place for that matter :wink: ).

If I had to choose I would go with the Keen’s but again like Avalon said; I too wet wade more than 50% of the year and I prefer my normal wading shoes, (Chota’s or Korkers) used with a heavy wool sock & neoprene bootee. I get better support and NO ROCKS!

Agree with 100% of above statements. Also, think about taking a stick in the foot while wet wading, it ain’t so pleasant! I’ve managed to twist my ankles while wet wading in sandals and have gone exclusively to full-coverage boots for both protection from insults like rocks, sticks, and hooks AND the ankle support. A twisted ankle puts me out of commission far too long for my fishing habit.
