Silver Mallard Vagabond Crusade 2006

Gang, we’ll be hitting the road the end of Sept and traveling until after the Holidays. We’ll be in TX quite a bit, and plan a short trip to FL and to CO along the way. I’m gonna try and fish the Guad, maybe the Little Red, and get a “Lake City Fix” up on the Continental Divide. Might get to fish the upper Rio Grande, Red, or Cimarron along the way.

Anyone who lives in these areas and wouldn’t mind sharing a little local knowledge with a stranger please feel free to email me or post on this thread and we’ll be sure and look you up. The wife doesn’t fish, but she will be taking pictures.

The end of September through the holidays? What will you do without the SSM BBS for that long? :shock: :smiley:

It’s called WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY, my friend! I will not be away from the Internet, my email, or phones any more than I am sitting in my living room.

Well, looks like we’ll be heading to southern CO/northern NM next week instead of STL. We’re gonna go up to Lake City and Monte Vista. I’d also like to get down to Taos/Santa Fe. We may also hit the Red River in NM on the way to Dallas.

Anybody got any recent reports on water conditions and fishing in those areas? Please…

Anybody want to show a fella who won’t be back very often your favorite honey holes? :wink:

I just got back from the Creede and Lake City area, last Sunday. Spent about 4 days, exploring off-road and fishing different water every day. Fish were in late Sept. patterns. Fishing was tougher than I expected. Had good luck in the same waters two times earlier this summer. Fished, the Upper Rio Grande (above the resevoir) didn’t do well. Fished the Lake Fork public water–caught a few on #16 parachute adams. Didn’t do well on the nymphs. Some fish (large browns) were being caught with large wooly buggers but not by me. Fished the Rio Grande public water–tough fishing. Best fishing was upper Cebolla Creek public water. Lots of browns on black elk hair caddis in the runs between beaver ponds. You might give Dan a call at Dan’s Fly shop in Lake City–he’ll fill you in…

Good Luck and I hope that not all of the leaves have blown off the aspens.

Thanks, Brad. Just got off the phone w/Dan’s. They said fishing has been tough. It’s snowing and in the teens now, but this is a fluke and it’s supposed to clear and warm up early next week. May not get that far North if the weather doesn’t warm up some.