shore fishing ......

hi :

now its winter , the weather so cold and carp stopped at bottom of water .

so we are going to start sea fishing . new thing to us but we will try to learn and have fun .

what the spices going to see how to fish ??? any suggestions ?

where are you?

Spoonser, click on his name, then select his profile.

far out…

Hello anoscoo, I googled and found something. Hope you get ideas.


we went to shore before 10 days ago the only spices we got is small and like balloon yellow and small , i do not know what its name ?

i Will try the next time to get some photos for our catch.

Anoscoo2200, you are now entering fly fishing. Learning all of the parts. Parts like, the insects (study and learn all you can about them). Learn about each/all of the fish, just the right thing to do. Then comes all the gear/stuff/things that you need to fly fish. Rods, reels, lines, boxes and a million other thingies. Enjoy the trip; don’t hurry.

I mean they could be puffer fish…I’m not certain, but they might be poisonous.


i am trying to get all info i can get , and now i know o allot of thins about flies , when to use what to use for fish kinds

the problem is am alone here , no one use these things here .
if you want to fish just get line what ever reel and rod and go ( the only thing they know here ) .
but they miss the most important thing tactics and knowledge .

and the most important aliment have fun in the game :smiley:

here is a Link to fish kinds and there names and extra things
enjoy folks