Scientific Anglers new L2L sinking tip leaders ...


Hey … a box from Cabelas arrived yesterday with (among other things) 10 of the new Scientific Anglers L2L Reconnect leaders … 5 of the normal ones and 5 of the really new sink tip models, described on the package as “One 4ft Type II L2L Reconnect sinking tip preattached to a 5 ft 2X leader” …

Just wondering what you folks think of the idea … the two parts are “preattached” with one of their little connectors, but that connector is permanent (logical) … unlike the reusable connector that’s at the front of the whole thing.

Maybe a good idea for stillwater fishing or nymphing on a stream?

Any comments/experiences/suggestions?

I’ve been trying for a month with no luck to find a source for the SA System flybox insert that’s made for these leaders. :frowning:


Haven’t had a chance to test mine yet (the water’s still a bit stiff on top here), but it looks like a good way to get down a foot or two in stillwater or extend a sink-tip line to get that extra foot or two I always seem to wish I had but don’t want to mess with a full sink line to get. Let me know how it works out for you.