Rotary vice

Thinking of buying a new rotary vice for my limited experience in flytying. Any info. would be apreciated.
thanks Tony C.

Take a look at the Dan Vice. Al Beatty, a sponsor here, deals in them. I think it is a good, all around rotary vice for a good price. Regards…


I have used a Griffen Rotary vise for the last couple of years and it is good if you are still getting the hang of it, but the Dan Vise is great.

Used my sunrise for almost 15 yrs and no problems…

Barracuda by DynaKing is a great rotary vise. It’s expecially good for tying larger flies like saltwater flies and big streamers. It’s about $350. There are several models of the Barracuda. Here is a link to their website.

renzetti traveller.

Give this thread a day or two, and every rotary vise will be listed here. I have the Renzetti traveler (cam style head), and heard that the Peak vise is a little less costly but performs the same.

Best advise I can suggest is to evaluate all of them in your price range, and try to tie on each of them to make your final decision. I think they are all good, but each has little nuances that tickle our fancies differently.

Here’s a pretty good review of rotary vises under $150. … ot-Out.htm

Good luck!


Joe is that what these are called “thread” that is funny because some or most of us are fly tyers and of course fishers… What you say is so true, I look forward to getting some good info on rotarys …Thanks Tonyc…

I just picked up a Dan Vise for 69 bucks. Can’t beat it for the price, I like it alot.

Get one,You’ll like it.

Be sure to look at and/or try the Peak vise. It’s priced less than some of the big names - but I’ve tried them all (or most anyway) and like it the best.


Thanks for all the replys and info. I decided on Dan vice i saw on (Ebay),new for $69. plus $5. for shipping.

I had and used a Danvise all last year and didn’t have any trouble. Just wanted a little better one so in Dec. I got a Renzetti Saltwater Traveler (cam style head) that someone recommended over the regular Traveler, but I don’t remember why.

I love my Saltwater Traveler, but you can get a lot of great use out of that Danvise. I sold mine to a friend and kind of wish now that I didn’t because I could use 2 vises sometimes.


Have fun with that Danvise! It’s the best rotary vise under $90 and I still have mine that’s over 9 years old. Unfortunately I do not use it any more. I’ve been tying on my DK Barracuda Junior for the last 6 years.

Gee no one has said anything about the ulatimate rotary vice the Nor-vice, you either love it or hate there is no mid ground. I have used the nor for about for 5 year and love mine.
P.S. it is on the spendy side of live but well worth the investment.

You’re absolutely correct about the affection factor. I borrowed one for a week and gave it back on day two. I have some friends that will tie on nothing else. I think that’s the only vise I have ever heard that said about, probably because of the unique design and the larger-than-life footprint it takes up. It’s the Sasquatch of vises.



Second choice is the same as Normand "Renzetti, third choice the Griffith

Just looked at original post. It did not specify a cheap or low end vise. So check out the Dingo from down under. Go to search box on home page, type in Dingo Review. It is spendy, but not as spendy as it looks due the exchange rate. Guaranteed for life so no worries mate. It will cost much less than the posted Aussie price. And at the website they have a conversion calculator to see what it would cost you in american dollars.



You’re absolutely correct about the affection factor. I borrowed one for a week and gave it back on day two. I have some friends that will tie on nothing else. I think that’s the only vise I have ever heard that said about, probably because of the unique design and the larger-than-life footprint it takes up. It’s the Sasquatch of vises.


I resemble that remark lol I am 6 feet 7 inches tall and have a full beard of graying red hair. I do love my nor vise and I do have most of the different jaws for it, but I mostly use the off set smaller jaws and about 7 month ago picked up the tube jaw, which I have not used yet.

I was about to suggest the Snowbee-Waldron, my new toy, but noticed that in the middle of page 1 he bought a Dan-Vise.


My choice was the Renzetti Presentation. Have used it for many many years and love it. No matter what rotary vise you choose to fit your budget, you’ll be very happy tying with it. Good luck with your search! 8)