Rod builder's,Fly tiers...Heads up...

Was told today at a fly shop by the propritor, That he has just spoken with the president of Gudebrod… And they are done…So if your a fan of their rod or tying threads… Now’s the time to stock up…as there not making any at all…when it’s gone…it’s gone…Just thought I’d pass this along…

Thats a bummer. thanks for the heads up.

Thanks for posting this. I had been told the same thing a few weeks ago and hoped that it was incorrect. Regards…

This rummor has been going on for some time now. I dont particularly believe it if Gudebrod is done, what will all the rod manufactures wrap their rods in (what do you think sage wraps their rods in Yep guidbrod)? They have the market in nylon building threadand It would particularly be stuiped for them to get out of that market. Anyway untill I hear them say were getting out of the market then I will beleive it, matter of fact I think I might give them a call.

Never used there thread really, I love the uni so much.

Will go stock up on a bunch though when I go to the fly shop. :smiley:

Rumor???..No idea…Just know the man as being quite “Up on the chit” and he’s never once givin me mis info…Call em…And please report back here…As I’d like to know for doubly certain as well…I’m very well stocked it they’re wrapping thread…and If they are just not making any money…as I was told…then I see no reason for them to continue…He…The shop owner said they were the LAST american thread co out there…so I guess those rod co’s that were buying from them…will go where the rest did…Oversea’s…For their wrapping threads…He said Danville and Waspie are all thats left in the market…Perhaps they will buy the Equipment Gudebrod offered the shop owner and they will continue on making the stuff…Wish they or someone would…

I have heard this rummor many times over the past year. I would think Gudebrod website would have a notice of sort if it were true.

Seems to me it started and someone said they were going to discontinue their fly tying thread…did that happen? If not maybe it is just rumor?

I know there are other manufacturers of quality tying thread. But are there other manufacturers of quality rod building thread?


No other manufactures of thread gudebrod is pretty much it. And Im pretty sure Gudebrod only discontinued the less popular colors of their rod builing thread. They used to have alot of different colors and now only have the more popular colors

I was concerned, so I checked with a few of the custom builders and distributors I used to do business with.


Everyone said that Gudebrod was NOT going out of business, they just discontinued some less popular colors and products.

Way this works, though, is that they’ll be probably be gone by the end of the week…or they will still be around for decades…no one ‘really’ knows, and the ‘contact us’ folks at Gudebrod aren’t saying…They do have a LOT of products that aren’t fishing related. Hate to see them go…

They DID, however, discontinue their tan nylon thread, which is the basis for the famous and incredibly effective Paul Freeman ‘Shucka Khan’ fly of San Juan fame and legend. Luckily I have a spool left…

Good Luck!


No rummor I just got off the phone with a high up at Gudebrod. They have stopped fly tying thread, donating much of the remainder supply to the Boy Scout merit badge fly tying program . They will-----still manufacture rod building thread one of their better selling production. BILL