I’ve thought of getting some but wanted to hear some feedback first. Anyone here have a set of the came jaws? Do you like them? Any negative comments you might have?
Thanks for any feedback.
I’ve thought of getting some but wanted to hear some feedback first. Anyone here have a set of the came jaws? Do you like them? Any negative comments you might have?
Thanks for any feedback.
They came standard on the Traveler when I bought mine, and I really like them. I’ve tied on a friend’s old style jaws and would never consider going back to the knob jaws. The cams are very fast to adjust and easier to calibrate than either the knob or collet style heads. The only downside is that they are expensive, and if you are considering replacing the jaws, I think you really have to consider if you want to replace the entire vise. The price of a replacement set of jaws these days if half what I paid for the vise to begin with, which is just nuts in my opinion, and one of the reasons why my next vise probably won’t be a Renzetti. Great vise, lousy customer support, in my opinion. YMMV.
Just a bit faster than the knob type…you lose nothing in jaw power and hold ability… have used both and I do like the cam jaw better…
Added cam jaws to my older Renzetti. Much quicker to use than the screw type jaws with no loss of hook holding power.
“Lousy customer support” because they charge more than you want to pay or for some other reason not stated?
I own two Renzetti vises and have had fantastic cutomer support from Lily & company including e-mails on Christmas Eve answering some questions I had. That being said both vises have cam jaws which I would gladly buy if they didn’t already come with them.
I only want another jaw for another traveler clouser arm so I wouldnt have to keep swapping back and forth when I change my moods to tie different flies. As for Customer support, Renzetti is one of the best in the business and is the total opposite for DK!
i too have added the cam jaws to my late 80’s traveler. paid about 65 bucks back then.
as far as customer service, i have never needed to send anything back so i cant complain. if i need an o-ring or screws, its a short ride to the home depot for those parts.
the parts and o-ring in the following link can be found in a good hardware store
Although I’ve been tempted to replace mine with the cam I haven’t done it, not because I’m opposed to them, I’m just cheap and can tie as poorly with either set. If I had $75 burning a hole in my pocket, they’d be high on the list of things to spend it on. I have no gripes with them costing that much - the majority of the engineering in the vise goes into them so that’s where the cost should be. One thing I’ve learned is to keep a couple spare O-rings on the shaft (3/8" I.D. I believe), just-in-case; you can use the vise without the O-ring, but just barely.
Via old-fashioned bartering I switched over to the cam on my Presentation years ago and never looked back. The cam seems to allow for a wider range of hooks without tweaking with the small screw and the cams are a lot quicker when mounting a hook and taking them out. A little thing I like is how the fly just falls in your hand when you flick the cam lever open. Small thing but neat.
Where these will shine too is when working with the Project Healing Waters and Wounded Warriors vets who can only tie one-handed. The contraptions are already designed and made for holding the materials and such but the cam will make it that much easier for them.
Lousy customer support because their answer to all jaw problems is “get a new set.” Have dealt with the Renzetti service on several occasions, and it always has ended badly. Ridiculous shipping charges, expensive replacement parts, very poor response time…need I go on? Do a search of the forums if you are looking for more complaints.
As I stated, I think their vises are great, I just really hate dealing with Renzetti.
I put cam jaws on my Traveler a couple of years ago and have been very pleased with the result. Just plain easier and faster to use. As for customer service, one of the jaws on the cam broke within a few days of my getting it. I contacted Renzetti and they immediately sent me a new set of cam jaws, saying that they outsource the tempering process and this had to have been a tempering error. I call that good customer service.
Thanks to all for the feedback … I appreciate everyone’s input. It was exactly what I was looking for. I’ve about decided to bite the bullet and order some. I figure the cam jaws are a lot like the jaws on a Danvise, which I’ve used for about 5 years. Thanks again everyone.