
I just went to the Dept. of Licensing website for Washington and found out that someone already has the personalized plate that I wanted to get. I can’t believe that there is another LOTECH in this state, and that they are proud of it.
Oh well, it saved me some money I guess.:frowning:

If you insist on prurging your liquid assets from your wallet, buy a conservation plate if the additional money goes into that type of fund in your state. I have a plate called “Scenic Rivers” where the additional fee goes to river restoration programs each year.


That’s amazing and also a bummer. Did like Joe suggested and bought a brook trout plate with the following after it:


Tie one for it! Figured it was a pretty safe bet.

I believe that the extra funds generated by vanity plates in Washington go to a fund for non-game conservation. I had to keep an eye on the list for a while, but finally got FLYTYER when someone apparently gave it up.
