Radical 3 WT repair Help Needed

OK, this poor rod has had it!

Built a 9’ 3 wt. on a Dan Craft Cascade Taper and imediatly broke off 3" off the tip in a garage door accident./…reset the tip, and fished a 8’9" 3 wt. for one season.

This spring the darn thing got real floppy one morning, looked and it was cracked on the male ferrule. I did an insert repair and fished it agin for about 2 months…then, CRACK…

That same male ferrule piece is now shattered about 3" down.

I am wondering if I could possibly (of course I can but should I try?) cut and install a spigot ferrule and perhaps end up with a 8’6" 4 wt?


Can you fix it?- probably.

Should you fix it- I’m gonna say no.

Its its been repaired twice and now is broke again, I’d retire it as a rod well served and call dan and get a new blank if it were me.

Just my thoughts


Steve hit it right on the head. retire it and get a new one.

OK, I give, I’ll cut the guides off and be done with it.

Nah…won’t call Dan, these were closeouts and no warantee applied and I understood that when I bought.

Also, for some unknown reason, he sent me 1 blank and then reshipped about 3 weeks later…we made a deal, I kept the second at a bargain of all bargains.

I’ll have the 2nd blank built out by next season so all in all, no big deal just curious but I do concur, more trouble than the effort to be expended.

BTW, anyone reading that noted the supplier…he is a REAL stand-up guy, period. DO NOT hesitate to do trade with him at all…be certain this rod of mine was treated poorly at best…shoved in trunks, garages, and behind car seats…never saw a tube or sock in it’s life…I calld it the “combat stick” and was not surprised when it gave in.