PORTABLE FLY TYING BOX - Neil - March 7, 2011


I?m not much inclined to do it anymore but there was a time when I never took a fly fishing trip without a fly tying kit. It started when JC and I were beginning to fish the Michigan?s Au Sable River back in the early 60?s. We were catching bugs and tying flies to match them and we needed to have the ability to tie flies on the spot. Thus began the evolution of my own portable fly tying box.

I too have a portable fly tying box, that I use for fishing trips away from my “Home Waters”!

It is a nicely made wooden box, with good clamps to keep the box tightly secured, and a adequate rope handle for carrying. I got it for free, when I was purchasing some bottles of wine for giving as gifts to the house party I was invited to. I gave away the wine bottles, and kept the box. The box worked so well that I went back and bought another of the wine boxes, this time drinking the wine, and keeping the box.

Now I have one box for my capes, and hair patches, and the other box holds my thread, tying tools and vise.

Have a folding table and chair, and I can dress patterns for whatever new water that I am fishing, so I can match the hatch, or copy a fly pattern that someone says is a must have for catching whatever fish I am fishing for… ~Parnelli

FAOL has Marv Taylor’s fly patterns for Henry Lake in the Lakes/Stillwater Column on FAOL, Marv’s Fly Patterns are also on the free FAOL Fly Pattern CD that I am always offering Members of FAOL. I also have is Marv Tayor’s Fishing Log Sheet that I recreated, as pencil to paper last longer than the strongest memory!


I do take a “kit” with me to out of state destinations. I don’t have a ‘grab and run kit’, already to go - although I have enough junk to put one together. I usually end up arranging everything into a flat Tupperware container. Got a real nice wooden chest, made of bamboo, at Sams Club about a year or so ago that would make a great kit. Still running that idea around in my pointy head - no telling what the end result will be though. Usually I make lists for stuff like this so I don’t forget things - like the vise. I need to make one for a fly tying kit. I have lists for deer hunting (archery and rifle), duck hunting, tree stand erecting, camping etc. etc. Yep - hooked on lists - don’t leave home with out em’. Now if I can just find that list that tells me where I keep my lists, I’ll be good to go!

Best regards, Dave S.