Did anybody tried to dye polyester?
I’m googling this but I’m not having much luck.
Did anybody tried to dye polyester?
I’m googling this but I’m not having much luck.
Was told it won’t dye…tried the Kool-Aid…didn’t work…at least the way I did it.
check www.prochemical.com in MA. they have dyes to do polyester. i believe the one you want is called Prosperse Disperse. a lil pricey and the colors are limited tho. e-mail them. they are great people. i use their Wash Fast Acid Series for all my hackle dyeing. their Lab Support is xxxcellent too.
Do you have an old Leisure Suit you’re trying to revive?
Ahhh… Finally there is a site with a prctical approach to this rather than a bunch of scientific stuff I was finding before. Thanks Softhackler.
Bamboozle - I’m not reviving it. More like recycling. These days we beggining to recycle just bot anything so I think that suit wiuld tye a few bugs if properly colored…
But seriusly it’s for polyester yarn.