polyester dye

Did anybody tried to dye polyester?

I’m googling this but I’m not having much luck.

Was told it won’t dye…tried the Kool-Aid…didn’t work…at least the way I did it.

check www.prochemical.com in MA. they have dyes to do polyester. i believe the one you want is called Prosperse Disperse. a lil pricey and the colors are limited tho. e-mail them. they are great people. i use their Wash Fast Acid Series for all my hackle dyeing. their Lab Support is xxxcellent too.

http://www.google.com/search?q=dyeing+p … =firefox-a

Do you have an old Leisure Suit you’re trying to revive? :wink:

Ahhh… Finally there is a site with a prctical approach to this rather than a bunch of scientific stuff I was finding before. Thanks Softhackler.

Bamboozle - I’m not reviving it. More like recycling. These days we beggining to recycle just bot anything so I think that suit wiuld tye a few bugs if properly colored…

But seriusly it’s for polyester yarn.