Pheasant Back Streamer

I took this out on its maiden voyage last night and it did quite well. 6-7 bows, with at least that many missed strikes, in about 45 minutes. I took it off since it was the only one I had tied and I wanted to make sure I could remember how I did it.

Hook: Daiichi 2340 Size 6 (6x long)
Bead: 3/16" Gold Bead
Weight: 6-10 turns of 0.20" lead wire
Thread: Uni-Thread 6/0 Rusty Dun
Tail: Two long feathers from the back of a ring-necked pheasant rooster, curvatures facing each other
Body: One long, golden-colored feather from the side of a ring-necked pheasant rooster, palmered up with the curvature to the back
Head: Black chenille (one turn)

Nice tie, I can see why the bows love’m.

looks like it would make a good sculpin imitation…

:D:D:D That’s why I tied it.

OOOH! I have a lot of pheasant not being used right now… :slight_smile:

Great pattern!
