Patterns for all fur wets????

Does anyone have any patterns for all fur wet flies or know of an internet site I could look at for these??

Thanks for any help

Like a bunny leech?

A lot of the nymphs I use are nothing more than dubbed fur picked out
Nothing else
No recipe needed

Let me explain further: There are Soft Hackle Wet Flies, Winged Wet Flies and there are All Fur Wet Flies. I tie and use the first 2 types but have never seen the “All Fur Wet Flies” and would be interested in a web site or pattern for them. I know that they will have a fur body and fur hackle collar and I could tie something up, but, I would really like to see what is being call a “All Fur Wet Fly”. Been reading up on wet flies and the “All Fur Wet Fly” was mentioned as another form of wet fly.

Warren in Hughes book, Wet Flies, there is a section on them…any particular pattern you are looking for? Also, did you check Donald’s site?

I did check Donald’s site and did not see any reference to “All Fur Wets” plus I sent Donald a PM a few hours ago and have not heard anything yet. I am not looking for any particular pattern. While reading about wet flies, “All Fur Wets” came up as one style of wet fly and I just was hoping there was somewhere I could see what the fly was suppose to look like. I know I can tie a fur body and collar, but, do not know if what I end up with is what they are suppose to look like.

how about a hare’s ear nymph??? … Hares+ear/

just leave out the turkey wing case, or tie a pinch of guard hairs instead

Tying and Fishing the fuzzy Nymphs by Polly Rosborough has a couple all fur patterns. Casual Dress and Fledermouse.

I believe there is a sow bug pattern that uses nothing but muskrat.

I’ve sent a reply via PM, Warren.
I’ll post a picture here in a little while. It is from an article by Mike Connor.

I have heard of the Casual Dress. Google it and I am sure there will be results. It is basically a nymph with muskrat guard and under hair tail, dubbed muskrat body, guard and under hair in a dubbing loop for the hackle, and a black ostrish herl head/thorax.

hope it helps!

nen-bran :smiley:

having come into possession of a large quantity of muskrat, I have been tying lots of fur or mostly fur nymphs. The casual dress is a great example. gold ribbed muskrat is another. Guard hair makes great tails. Take the casual dress a little further, and make a guard hair hackle of sorts, palmer it and you have a muskrat bugger. It works really nice for mini buggers size 10 and 12. remove the tail, add a game bird collar and you have a partridge and muskrat. Return the guard hair tail and you have a fair approximation of a muskrat flymph. on and on and on… :smiley:

Thanks everyone for the suggestions and help. Thanks a bunch Donald! I sent you a PM with my home e-mail address.

Now I will go to the vise and see what I can come up with. Just love tying and fishing those “wet flies”!! :slight_smile:

I honestly feel that if you concentrate on fishing “wet flies” properly, it will make you a better fly fisherman. My opinion only and nothing more…

Thanks to everyone

If you check your sources for old books you might get lucky and find this one
“All Fur Flies and How to Dress Them”, W. H. Lawrie A.S. Barnes and Co., Inc., 1967.
Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number; 68-14407
It discussed many styles of flies, fur preparation, dying techniques gadgets and " stuff".
There are enough patterns to keep one occupied for a long time. Interesting to note that I paid $5.00 for my copy. That’s a “back then” price.
Good luck!!!

Gerry L


Thanks so much for the lead on the book. I will hunt it down if possible. I also received a pattern with picture from Donald which was a great help too. If I can locate the book, I will be well on my way!

Thanks again,

Gerry just beat me to it Warren, I have that book myself, I think it shows the same technique Mike Connor uses.
There are 47 copies available on AbeBooks from $14.75 to $75.00. I think there is something in there for you. :slight_smile:

Whoops :? :?

Donald and Gerry,

I have also found the 1967, 1st edition for $19 and have e-mailed them and waiting for a response on how to complete the transaction.

Thanks so much for all your help…thanks to both of you and REE, I should be ready for the “white coat with no sleeves” real soon! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Don’t you just love fly tying?!!

In addition to Mike Connor’s pink squirrel that DonaldN posted, look at the Connor’s Indestructible as well. You could also subtitute grey or fox squirrel for black squirrel.

http://www.mike-connor.homepage.t-onlin … tible.html

For something a little larger:

I have tied (but have not yet fished) WC Stewart spiders using squirrel hair in a dubbing loop as a substitute for the unavailable dotterel and landrail hackle.

Hughes recommends Pine squirrel for larger flies and can go down to smaller sizes…he also says that mole fur works for smaller dark flies…he uses a dubbing loop with super tacky wax to secure the hair…(pages 134-138, Hughes, Wet Flies)