On my way home

I was thinking tonight how lucky I am to live and work where I do. My route home passes by a terrific trout stream (link to pictures) that is all public access. I am able to get 2 -3 hours of fishing in on the way home. With the price of gas being what it is , not having to travel a great distance to fish is a bonus Don’t tell the government - they will find a way to tax it. Life’s good. :smiley:

Thanks for the photos, very nice. Yes, you are indeed lucky.

Very nice bit of water. Very pristine and serene looking. Hope it stays that way.

You have my DEEPEST symphathies.

I too, am very blessed to live on some very nice water. This is about a quarter mile upriver from my boat ramp on the North Umpqua.

With one lake, directly across the road from our home, another behind our acreage via a 10 minute walk, through some beautiful woods, then 11 more lakes and 3 fish holding rivers, all within 25 minutes of the house… I have to also admit, “How thankful I am for where I live” and to always remember that, when I start thinking about the price of gas, not making long trips so affordable as they once were!

People I need to move.

Dang, me too.

Gorgeous water people.

You are blessed to live where you are and you are blessed with knowing how to appreciate what you have around you. There are a lot of people that are blessed with the same good luck, but, they just cannot see it or recognize it and do not look for it. If there is water around you, you need to explore it. It will probably have fish of some sort in it and I know they can be caught on a fly rod. For some unknown reason, a lot of people feel a fly rod was built for trout only. They are missing out on a lot of fun. That same water, even if it does not hold trout, will still provide peace and quiet and a place to just get away from the world and provide some beautiful scenery.

By the way, those were beautiful pictures…

Very nice indeed! I live along the Susquehanna River and cross Yellow Breeches Creek daily going to and from work. Not quite as remote as your waters but still great fishing.:smiley: