new to me hooks

Have just found a series of hooks from a “well known” fly shop that carry the TFS label. They are appreciably less costly than the TMC’s or Mustads, or any others. Have any of you used them? What call would you make on them?

If they are from those Canadians they are great ! :wink:

Here’s a discussion about them from another (gasp!) forum.

Obviously I was wrong, sorry. I buy thees and they are good. great deal too, I’ve heard comments good and bad. All I can say is try them, pm me and I’ll send you some.


Yeah, but the discussion on the “other board” occurred before the hooks were even available…typical.

By “TFS” I assume you mean the Redding Fly Shop. When they finally got their supplier in line they ended up with fewer sizes and styles than originally planned, which was dissappointing, and no barbless styles. After examining a few packages at the store, I decided to pass on these hooks because their fit and the finish was none too impressive, and I’m not sure they ever fully solved the supply issues.

If I need cheap hooks, I’ll buy Mustad or Dai Riki, and if I want quality hooks, I’ll stay with Tiemco and Gamakatsu.

Thanks, guys! I knew I’d get straight answer from you!!

I’d sure love to be able to get my hands on a huge supply of the OLD Partridge hooks! <pre Mustad … sorry Dr Fish!!> They were some of the nicest hooks I’ve ever used.

If the TFS hooks are made by Targus, and apparently they are, they have been around for some time now. I know Gary Borger has been their spokesperson for a number of years. I have never tried them so I can’t comment on their quality, but they are definitely not a brand new company.

Not quite sure why people keep spreading this misinformation. They are not made by Targus.

That being said, their single advantage is they are cheap.

bob marriots has all partridge hooks ( almost all!) on sale. go to their website and click on 3d sale then scroll down to partridge hooks! btw i use tfs hooks and love them . they have worked out the kinks in supply but still do not carry everything that they wanted to. it will fall in place eventually. mike is a very good and smart businessman.

Just so you know…

Ive had less TFS hooks rust on me then TMC…

I know every now and then we all forget to open our boxes to dry out.,

I can pretty much pick out TMC over TFS…

All the shop I tye for here want they flies on TMC… So I use them.

And if your make big articulate leeches…
you will pay about $5.50 for a good TMC (per 25)… just to cut the hook at the bend…
or pay $2.80 and do the same with the TFS hook

But did use the Gamakatsu stinger hooks


Betty, Like you…I wish could find a line of hooks that were less expensive but with a good enough assortment that would allow me to stick with the company for most of the patterns that I tye. I get tired of trying to find hooks that would work well and at a high level of quality, I thought I liked Daiichi but the fly shop here in KC doesn’t carry them. They carry TMC & they seem pretty pricey to me. I like Mustad, but I really dislike their website as its just hard to navigate plus some of their better hooks are just hard to find?


Funny, when tying I always wanted the most expensive hooks. Figured they would be the best. :slight_smile:

Have you tried the “Togen” Brand from the Nation to the North? Good Hook, resonable price.

Has anyone tried the Hook & Hackle brand hooks?


Nope, but not likely they would carry bad ones. :slight_smile:

Can’t say I’ve ever lost a fish because of the hook and the trees don’t seem to care if they eat an expensive hook or a cheap hook.


A buddy was kind enough to send me samples. I like them very much. They are sturdy and sharp. They are much better than 2 or 3 brands I can’t mention here.
Just my opinion!

I’ve been using Togen hooks for over two years. For me, they have worked very, very well. The only thing I’m not crazy about is the finish on the hook ---- to me it’s almost gold colored. Even so, I have used the hooks everywhere I’ve trout fished and not noticed less bites. The hooks have never broken on me in the vise, neither have they broken while wrasslin’ jumongo browns and bows (well, decent size fish). I’m in need of some Togen emerger hooks. If anyone wants to split a 1000 hook order please pm me.

There’s someone selling Partridge hooks over at clark’s classic fly rod forum:

JC, I am not as concerned about the cost of a batch of hooks as much as I’d just like to find a brand of hooks that would offer hooks that were durable, sharp and could be used to cover all my tying needs. I get tired of searching for the right hook to be used for a pattern and I’d like to just buy Mustad, Daiichi or whatever but either I decide on hooks I can’t find or have to buy from several companies just to get going? I do like Daiichi’s website as it does seem to have the necessary info and is user friendly.
