As several of you noticed I had a birthday this weekend. I turned around and my youth seemed to be missing. I?m not sure what happened to it. I was really enjoying it, having a good time doing the thing that young people like to do. If you happen upon it I would really like it back, it is probably well worn and many a little tattered and torn in a few places but it was really a good one.
In the meantime I will try to replicate my youth as much as possible and try not to slip into the “Ole Fool” category. Your help in this effort will be appreciated.
I’m now over 64, & the youth I experience now is what I can share with my 7 beloved Grandchildren. Believe me, it beats the hell outta my OWN youth! Teaching them my love & respect of God, family, friends, & the outdoors will keep me young until they “plant” me.
I may be an old fool, certainly not financially well healed, but I sure am a happy old fool, & a very RICH one at that!
I put mine up on a shelf 68 years ago so I wouldn’t loose it like you… Guess what…Now I can’t remember where the heck I put it. Guess I’ll just do like MSD53X said, just retrace my steps and have some good memories. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YA!!!
A little like Wes had stated in another post, I had gotten tired of looking at that stolen vest. I would love the the owner to get it back but really did not have much hope it would happen. As I told someone the other day I am composed of a 53 year old man trying to make a 12 year old boy behave. He is not alway successful, so life is a good bit of fun mixed with the maladies age and maturity carries along with it. I hope the plans I have for a busy 2011 work out for the work and fun aspects ot it. I know if I go to Nashville I have to stop in Tullahoma or Jack will come and pee on my porch, he said so. I don’t know what the HOA would say about that but I don’t think they would be happy.
I’m reminded of Pat McManus’ story of being 16 and fishing with his buddy, taking all kinds of foolish chances, then going home to his “surprise” 50th birthday party. He said wait! I can’t be a half century old. I was just 16 this morning.
Old #art, I hear you, but my daughter has not done good job of catching me a son in law. I did volunteer help with some Webeloes scout at church Sunday.
Happy Birthday UNK, Most of the time we don’t lose our youth and it’s not stolen, we just seem to realize at a certain point in life that we have not spent it wisely. Hopefully we come to a realizaition of this at a time in our life that we can do something good and constructive about it. Sounds like you have got something started with volunteer work with the Scouts, Jesse, Keep it up. Wish you many more!
I was a Webelos den leader back about 30 years ago and a couple of years as an assistant den leader before that. 23 years Army National Guard, 2 grown kids, married 44 years, I must admit I know where my youth went. I am fighting getting old however. My dad enjoyed a good prank or joke until his body just did not let him have much fun anymore. I wish I could have remembered all of the jokes that he and his crew pulled on each other and reminded him of them the week I spent with him shortly before he died. His mind was still razor sharp although he had worn his body out.
I was tired of the subject line and thought I would put something up there slightly humorous and the other old farts here pretty much recognized an opportunity to throw a rock at the wasp nest.
You and me Steve.
I don’t have to try to be youthful, although sometimes the little aches and pains of being 63 try to prevent that.
No grandkids of my own but my siblings have a few and I totally enjoy acting the “ole fool” and playing with them.
I must be doing something right, as they all run and hug my neck everytime I see them!
I don’t feel my youth has been lost, only transformed, maybe for the better?
As long as I have the love of my grand nephews and nieces, the health to still wade my home waters, the love of a wonderful wife,
and a handful of good friends, I remain contented and youthful.