Mustad's new 3399s (S70)

I promised a report when I got any of the new Mustads, and I received 100 S70 hooks today from Hook and Hackle. While the hooks are not quite the same, the news is not all bad.

The big difference in the new hooks and the old are first, the color, the new ones are a bit lighter, and second, the shape. But for the most part, the shape is OK. I’m relieved to report that the shank is identical, and where the bend starts is identical and well defined. The difference is right at the bottom of the bend. The new hook is straight on the bottom, with a smaller barb. The old hook has a much more “classic” feel to the bottom, which curves gracefully around and up, with a larger barb that almost looks like it has “gutters”. The new needle point hooks look technically quite good, but lack the ellegance of the old hooks.

Now for the good news. The eyes are much better, much more consistent. The sides of the hook around the bend appear to be flattened slightly, mirroring the 94840 dry fly hooks, a look I’ve always liked. Here is a shot of both hooks, the original 3399 on top, the S70 below. No, it’s not exactly the same, but things could be much worse. I, for one, can live with these.

While the S70 is a nice hook, I’m glad I ordered 2000 of the old 3399’s

Thanks Eric for the evaluation. I’ve been using several of hook styles in the signature line for a number of years and haven’t found anything to complain about. I know the “change” has created a bit of consternation within the ranks but I’ve not seen anything that’s going to radically change my fly tying.

Don’t know if it’s an optical illusion or not but in your photo the bend at the eye of the signature hook looks to be a bit more shallow than the classic and even if it does, I’m more inclined to see that as a positive than a negative.

Anyway, thanks again for the post and the intel.

“Good eye,” Joe. Think you might be right. And agree, in my book it would be a plus too. So darned hard to give up any ‘old classic look’ on anything. (but I like that little barb)

Yes Joe, there is a slight difference there, but like JC, I view that as something of a positive. A little less chance of the thread going down there. And Bamboozle, I know where you’re coming from. I’ll probably seek out some of the old ones myself, for my Bergman display flies. I’ll fish the new ones though without hesitation.

Hi Eric,

Thank you for taking the time to order some and post a pic so many folks can check them out here instead of having to do it individually. It’s just one of the many reasons that make these forums so valuable as far as information sharing is concened.
I have always used Mustads for fishing. I’ve read where quite a few people use this model for display wets, but don’t often fish them since they believe that the lighter wire isn’t as good as the heavier 3906 model is for catching fish. When I run out of the 3399’s that I have, I’ll just buy these. They still have that nice sproat bend and I crush the barb down anyway before any tying happens.


Hi Eric,

Thanks for the good report. I have been wondering about the new hooks.

The old hook points definately look better to my eye, for tying flies for display, but your point that the new ones will be good to fish is good news. I think you are on the money.

Like the others said, the new smaller barb is a plus, as like some of the rest of you I always mash the barb down, and the ones on the classic series were definately hard to deal with.

Well if there is one thing that never changes it is that things change, and this is a change that I can live with.



I applaud Mustad for making the change. They want to be an on going entity and with the classics loosing ground against the competition the signature series should win back market share.

Thanks Eric for the report.


Are both hooks in the photo the same size?