Muddled Hotwire Prince

Just playing around.

hook - WFC Model 6 #8
thread - Danville 6/0 chartreuse
tail - biots dyed chartreuse
abdomen - small wire black, brassie wire chartreuse
thorax - Ice Dub Peacock Black
wings - biots dyed chartreuse
shoulder - pheasant rump dyed chartreuse (1 Tbs Rit Neon Yellow/1 cup water)
head/collar - pronghorn dyed black (1 Tbs Rit Dark Brown/1 cup water overdyed with 1 Tbs Rit Black/1 cup water)


I truly believe every bream that sees that will think “I can get that in my mouth!” And a lot of bass will think it looks like an appetizer.

Muddled Hotwire Prince II

hook - WFC Model 6 #6
thread - MFC 6/0 hot orange
tail - biots dyed orange
abdomen - brassie wire hot orange/chartreuse (twisted)
thorax - Ice Dub Hot Orange
shoulder - pheasant rump dyed orange (1 Tbs Rit Sunshine Orange/1 cup water)
head/collar - elk dyed orange
