More Musing at the Fly Tying Bench

I got a little depressed earlier today, so I sat at my bench and just started tying, and trying new things. I wanted to try to figure out a way to imitate Hump-Backed bugs like Mormon Crickets, Camel Crickets, Katydids, etc…

Here is what I came up with for a Mormon Cricket…

Hook: Cabelas Model 40 sz. 8
Thread: Black 6/0 Unithread
Ovipositors (this is a female): Black Rubber Legs
Body: 2mm Black Foam, shingled.
Thorax: 2mm Black Foam, shingled
Legs: (rear-cut 1mm black foam. front-black rubber legs)
Antennae: Black Rubber Legs

I’ll field test it later this week.


I believe it’s a conflict of interest to test your own flies? Your just going to be too biased. You’ll be jaded and blind to any results. Your gonna need a wider demographic arena (meaning me!) to put these bugs through a rigorous testing regime. I can’t in good conscience, let you go testing willy nilly all over the State of Tenn. You know what you got to do. I’ll leave it up to you, and you can let your conscience be your guide. Btw, it looks real cricketty to me. Good luck with your(subjective?) field testing!

Best regards, Dave S.

P.S. - I called your Governor - described some kind of weird testing scheme going on later this week in his state. I could hear him yelling something about Code Red or Blue - not sure. Thought I might have overheard “Operation Cricket” muttered too? Anyway, enjoy the “fishing”???

ME TOO! Being below the Mason Dixon Line has possibly altered your judgement! :wink: I can’t let you harm anything with your testing, here in Ohio we have humane testing methods!..HAVE FUN AND IT LOOKS GOOD AND YUMMIE!

“Body: 2mm Black Foam, shingled.
Thorax: 2mm Black Foam, shingled”

For us imagination-challenged, could u 'splain shingling foam?

I just thought I should point out that the females NEVER fall in the water. Ever. Just ask them. :slight_smile:

FOTW right here.

Very well done. I’m impressed…the only problem now is that now I’m going to have to try it.!!!:slight_smile:

If you’ll PM me your address, I’ll send you a few to try out.

If you’ll PM me your address, I’ll send you a couple to try out.

I’ll submit it and see what happens.

I’ll try to make a video instructional later tonight, and post it on You Tube.


You have to put this on Fly of the Week

I’d love to have it!!!Please?

PM me your address and I will send you a few to test.

Gigmaster, Can’t test anything until we get back to Montana, April 18…but I wanted it for a Fly of the Week S

I have a few writing deadlines to meet, then I will get the wife to help me take pictures. I want to try to get better quality pictures than on the other ones in the past. I have a new digital camera. It has a 16 mp resolution, so they should look great.

I’ll try to get it done later this week.

It’s been so long, I forgot how to submit. Can you PM me with instructions on what format, and how you want it sent?



It means that the pieces are overlapped, like roofing shingles.

Looking forward to getting it for Fly of the Week S Send please!

I am in Florida right now (taking care of another of those endless family crisis), but I am leaving for home in a few hours. I’ll try to get it done tomorrow.

Where do I send the instructions to?

I’ve had a few FOTWs, but it’s been a while and I forgot how to submit. (it happens when you get older)