More Colorado questions...

OK. I’m going to bug you all one more time about my upcoming trip to Colorado (I know, I’m being a pest!)

Here is the run down:

My wife and I are flying into Denver early Saturday morning (Sept. 20). We will pick up our rental car and have all day Saturday to goof around.

Our plan is to drive to the Colorado Springs/Pikes Peak area and spend a little time there. Our original plan was to then drive to the Deckers area and spend most of the afternoon/evening working our way toward Denver along the South Platte. My wife does not fish but doesn’t mind stopping at an access area and kicking me out, let me fish a while and then move on. My wife does, however, suffer with a bit of altitude sickness above about 7000-8000 feet. Plus, winding mountain roads can bother her so we aren’t sure the drive from Deckers north is the best option.

Now I’m thinking fishing a little closer to the Denver metro area might be a better option for a few hours of fishing. I would like a little more info on fishing the South Platte around the Waterton Canyon area. From what I’ve read this area isn’t as accessable as some other areas and might require a little more hiking to the water than I might have time for.

Are there any spots around this area that might work for a “stop the car; fish a while; drive a little; fish some more; etc.” type of outting?

Thanks and sorry to keep bugging everyone about this.



Here’s a link to the latest Deckers info, doesn’t look as if Deckers is a good idea right now.

As for Wateton Canyon, you do need to hike up into the canyon.

Unless you aboslutely have to go down to the Springs, I would head North to Loveland and follow highway 34 up the Big Thompson towards Estes Park. Lots of easy access and great fishing opportunities.

:D:DRoyce, The drive along the South Platte near Deckers is not extremely high or mountanous. I think your wife would probably tolerate it allright and it is beautiful country. The hike down into Waterton canyon is ok, but time consuming and not as scenic, also the trout there are not as large. I think your original plan is probably good. Plan your tour of the Colorado Springs-Manitou area ahead of time, as there is a lot to see and do there and you will have to choose your preferences to get it all in one day. For starters; Air Force Academy, Cowboy hall of fame, Garden of the Gods, Seven Falls, Cave of the Winds, Pikes Peak Cog Railway( Very high 14,400 ft.) Cliff Dwelling Museum, Van Briggle Pottery Factory, Old Colorado City, Manitou Springs hot Springs and Old Town etc,etc,etc. You get the Idea ! Welcome to Colorado and enjoy your stay. Please PM or email me with any other questions, I have a son in the travel business who could be helpful.

Thanks for the advice. I agree it doesn’t sound like some of the South Platte is fishing great right now but it sound like it is getting better and hopefully by next weekend it will be OK.

We were in Colorado about a year ago and I fished the Big Thompson. Had a great time. Would like to try somewhere different this time.

This is great advice. Thanks. Might be able to make that stretch around Deckers work after all. I’ll keep after my research . If I have any more specific questions I’ll fire off a PM. Thanks again.

I thought I had mentioned this in your previous thread, but I looked back over there and I guess I didn’t.

The Deckers area was hit very hard by the Hayman fire. The worst fire in Colorado history. The river hasn’t been the same since. All because of that emotional FS woman who started the fire by burning a letter (sorry ladies). She should have gotten a much worse punishment than she did, IMHO. The effects of that fire will last for a LONG, LONG time, and aren’t just limited to bad fishing. It used to be such a nice river (I cut my teeth on this river), and a great area to camp/play. Now it’s practically a desert. The fire got so hot that the ground was sterilized. The trees can’t even come back on their own. I better stop ranting on this, because it really gets my blood boiling. :-x

Anyway, it has been a long time since I fished the Deckers area (before I moved away 10+ years ago), but I haven’t had any reason to go back recently due to reports like the one in the link from people I know. The best place for info are online reports like have already been posted, or the “Flies 'n Lies” flyshop in Deckers (303) 647-2237. If you’ve decided that you’re definitely going to fish the South Platte, the best place is Cheeseman canyon. It is a decent hike though, and fishing is tough.

A better spot for you would probably be below 11 mile canyon. There is good access near/around the happy meadows campground. This is about 3 miles North of Lake George on Hwy. 24, then up county road 77/112. Here is a map.

There is a really good series of articles on the South Platte here at FAOL called the South Platte Chronicles. They’re a long read, but they’re full of good info and well written.

11-mile canyon above Lake George also has decent fishing, but you have to pay a small fee to go up into the canyon.
11-Mile Canyon (look for links to other South Platte areas on the upper left side this page as well)

When on vacation used to do the Front Range tour , which was checking on the creeks around Boulder. El Dorado Springs south of town, Boulder Creek, Sawhill ponds for bass & the St Vrain up in Lyons for which there’s not much altitude climb. Or on up to Estes Park & back down the Big T to the upper C & R sections or back on up to the Peak to Peak Highway for some park lake fishing or getting to creeks below some of the resevoirs back thru Nederland & Rollinsville. There’s a magazine from 1991 - Fishing Close To Home- a fishing guide for all ages - Denver Metro & Boulder Areas - a guide to 150 lakes & streams by Outdoors Books that may still be available & updated. :cool:

So, Royce, what did you end up doing, and how did it go? I’m anxious to hear your report! :mrgreen: